o f Norfolk-Ifland being on the fpot, left the diredion o f the colony-
in his hands, and embarked on Sunday the 28th, having previoufly
reviewed the New South Wales corps, of whom his excellency took
leave in the following order :
« The governor, having this day reviewed that part o f His
Majefty’s New South Wales corps doing duty at Sydney, cannot
omit this opportunity o f expreffing the fatisfadion he has received
from their very handfome and military appearance, which does fo
much honour to Lieutenant Colonel Paterfon, and the commiffioned
officers under his command. The expertnefs with which the various
military motions were performed is highly to the credit of
the whole body, and in which the non-commiffioned officers have a
very diftinguifhed fhare. The governor cannot lofe the prefent opportunity
(as it may poffibly be the laft) o f affuring the troops
generally, that the confidence which he has long repofed in their
promptitude upon every occafion that might require their particular
exertion, has ever inclined him to confider with contempt the
threatnings faid to have been held out by a number o f difcontented
and milled people : well fatisfied that the adive affiftance o f the
New South Wales corps, added to thofe precautions and exertions
which have and he trufts will continue to diftinguifh the civil power,
will ever be found a complete fecurity for the peace and tranquillity
o f this fettlement, and o f His Majefty’s government in this remote
part o f the Britifh dominions.”
The governor’s embarkation was attended with every mark o f
refped, attachment, and regret. The road to the wharf, where
the Buffalo’s boat was in waiting, was lined on each fide with troops,
and he was accompanied thither by the officers o f the civil and
military departments with a numerous concourfe o f the inhabitants;
who manifefted by their deportment the fenfe they entertained o f
the regard which he had ever paid to their interefts, and the juftice
and humanity o f his government.
The following was the ftate of the live flock, and ground in cultivation,
at the time of the governor’s departure : viz.
Horfes. Mares.
Horned Cattle.
Sheep. Goats.
Bulls Sc
- Cows. Male. Female. Male. Female. ■
6 0 143. 3 3 * 7 1 2 4OI7 20 3 1' 4093 727; / '435
Acres of Wheat. Acres for Maize. Acres o f Barley;.
4665 t 2930 82 ,
And a confiderable quantity o f garden ground, in potatoes, & c . and
The poverty o f the fettlers and the high price of labour occafioned
much land to be unemployed this year. Many o f the inferior farmers-
were nearly ruined by the high price they were obliged to give for-
fuch necefiaries as they required from thofe who had been long in.
the habit o f monopolifing every article brought to the fettlement fo r
fale ; a habit of which it was found impoffible to get the better,,
without the pofitive and immediate interference of the government,
at home.
Many reprefentations had been made on this diftreffing fu b jed ;
and they feemed in fome degree to have been attended to, as in feveral
of the laft arrivals from England* certain- articles, confifting o f implements
of hufbandry, cloathing, and flares-, had been configned
to the governor, to be retailed for the ufe o f the colonifts : and it