Began the foundation o f a church at Sydney, but o f larger
Built a tower fteeple at the fame place for a town clock ; and
foihe time afterwards-, having been much damaged by the fame ftorm
that injured the wind-mill, it was repaired at the fouth angle, and
the whole made good with plafter, and coated with lime.
BUilt an apartment o f brick in the yard o f the old gaol, before it
was burnt, for debtors, containing three rooms.
Paled in a naval yard on the weft fide of the cove, and eredted
within it a joiner’s and a blackfmith’s (hop, with ilieds for the veftels
while repairing,, and for the workmen ; with a ftearner, a ftore-
houfe, a warder’s lodge, 'and an apartment for the clerk.
Built a commodious ftone-houfe; near the naval yard, for the
Began and nearly fiiiifhed a handfome and commodious ftone
gaol a t 1 Sydney ; with feparate apartments for debtors, and fix
ftrong and fecure cells for condemned felons.
A large and elegant government houfe was erected at Parramatta,
the fir ft being too Email, and the framing fo much gone to decay
that the roof fell in. The prefent building is fpacious and roomy,
with cellars and an Attick ftory.
Built a neat thatched hut in the government garden at Parramatta,
for the gardener.
Built a new dil'penfary, and removed the pannelled hofpital to a
more convenient fituation, raifing it upon a_ ftone foundation. At
the fame time was eredted a new hofpital (lore. 1
Prepared the foundation o f a new powder magazine.
Railed a frame, and thatched the roof of an open barn at the
Ninety Acres, and laid\ a threlhing floor-.
Fenced and furrounded the military barracks with lofty paling.
Paled in a cooperage adjoining'the provision Bore at Sydney.
Cleanfed from filth the public tanks at'the fame place, and fur-
rounded them and the fpring-head with paling.