perpendmukriy fr-ajte
the mail pauket m
and, wiBwuit any do*
oddly « « u g h place-
No verdure, a few
the tedious mount
1km*.-•>. N e v e r t h e b
it* picturesque in wH
Ufa bills.. bristle wit
Ufa right is L&<Mei
« | garrist )Bj COO
Engineers, is quart
so dwindled down
from visitors the hi
left of Münde«’s is
appears, and Where
W'Wosi. .>'*"*,.4 ihii* *&* roadstead where
.«* i frowi, ■few'i»' at the new arrival,
v f..< b td i|i’jts. a-su li t t le town appears
V seine in tin« iwkrhty wall of rock.
-tgi meets "the ewe to relieve
M wwfc* m i lash-Qoloured
efone Mu. On either aid* t*f the town
■ fag the left is Muuderi’s Jwdhsry; on
t ehief fortress of the place, where a
•" * company of Artillery and one of
where waves the British Union Jack,
■.¡ngh the spirit of economy as to call
s q u iry ,W h a t flag is that?” To the
Yallev, where a recently formed village
ands the deserted establishment for the reception
of Africans rescued from slavery hv British cruisers on the West
Coast of Africa. On landing, the stranger is beset by a- whole rabble
o f dirfr boys, each eager to get possession of his order to find him a
horse or carriage to visit Napoleon's tonib, to conduct him to an
hotel, or in anm war to m& mething out of him.
Sorses there
arc pier
ity of, and o*i# fflirriages can be found for a
p to the ten h
and bati
k a t the charge of km- « flaw poi
[»! 'Em teta!
fatotiote' |.J * retched, unless ® new one has .
and ha»
*s'"i hiS«'< V««e to fall into the degraded Mwia
,.¡1 .yf ¡h predecessors. Fair lx»rd and B f|P
be oi Miij;
either. in. the town, or ?■ y
'rate of.
(>.o. dv,;.'.. eh person. ’ The town i* m&m
igi*4 ||| i!,«iae, w
castle, *
% i |i llil faBof, w
tltn feir;
and she
The k t
about :
ü to 75 per cen
ves have a dusty,
exposed in the Wi
rival of a mail si
¡tscl which stand
sent buildings,
ih houses on ewe]
vote dwellings oi
ply almost every <
higher than £ng
3gieeted, and unit
low# bad been thi
The arrival oi mail stear
•from th e Governor downward*
there remains something of fcb of dri
s o f Noah.
■ hole place;
t ; but still
an about i t