Displacement, 50
Dog-tooth spar, 78
Dolerite, 69
Dost, 52
Earthquakes, 73
Egg Island, 72
Encroachment by sea, 72
Estimated probable age of
Island, 68
Faults, 50
Fauna, 47
Felspar, 55, 56
Felspathic dikes, 66
greystone, 50, 70
lavas, 48, 57
Fire, recent marks of, 61, 66’
Fishermen, habitations of, 58
Flagstaff Hill, 60
Flint, 77
Flora, 67
Fossil shell, 61
* ‘ Friar,*’ legend of, 62
Friar’s Ridge, 62
Frying-pan Gove, 58
Geological structure, 47
George’s Island, 59, 72
Gorges intersecting coast, 46, 58,
Granite, 51
Granite-like dike, 66
Green Gate, 74
Green Hill, 60
Gregories, 65
Greystone,-49, 55, 57
Greystone dike, 67
Gwyn Jeffreys, Mr., 75
Gypsum, 78
Half-tree Hollow, 72
Hailey’s Mount, 60, 74
Hematite, brown, 66
High Hill, 60, 62, 64
High Knoll 59, 61
High Knoll stone, 61
High Peak, 48, 60
High Point, 62
Holdfast Tern, 55, 71, 57
Horse Pasture, 60, 62, 63, 64,
Horse Point, 55, 57
Horseshoe-shaped crater, 64
Inclination of strata, 48, 49, 57,
61, 62, 64
Iron, 49, 66
Island not p a rt of a continent, 57
Islets off the coast, 72
Isolated position, 47
James Town, site of, 46
James’ Yalley, 61, 64
Jasper, 66, 78
Joho’s Hole, 74
King and Queen, 60
La Caldera, 48
Ladder Hill, 59, 60, 71
Lanark Island, 72
Lateral cone, 61
influence of wind on, 61
Laterite beds, 53, 55, 58, 67, 73
Lava-beds, thickness of, 55
Lava, direction of flow of, 56
ejection of, 62
flow of, 54, 64, 66
non-disturbance of, 56
scum, 59, 61 .
sheets of, 52
sluggish flow of, 59
squeezing up of, 62
strata, 48
twisted, 62
Lavas, 51
most recent, 57
Ledge, submarine, around Island,
Lemon Valley, 58
Length of Island, 46
Limestone, 73
Lithodomous perforations, 75
Longwood, 61
Lot, 50, 70
Lot Dike, 69, 70, 72
Lot’s Wife, 50, 70
Lot’s Wife Ponds, 72
Lyell, Sir G., 47
Madeira, 71, 74
Man and horse, 60, 66, 72 *
Manatee Bay, 60, 62, 64, 65, 66
Manatees, 67
Manganese, 49, 57, 75
Marls, 51, 57, 68
Mechanical breaking up of rocks,
Merryman’s Hill, 60
Minerals, 75
catalogue of, 76
Mineral spring, 73
Mud beds, 58
volcanic, 51, 52
Natrolite, 76
Newest lavas most felspathic, 56
New Ground, 62
Northern Coast worn away, 71
Northern portion, upheaval of, 60
Northvrnberland, H.M.S., 46
Obsidian, absence of, 73
Oceanic volcanoes, 47
Ochre-beds, tin ts of, 53
Old Joan Point, 71
Olivine, 55, 70
Original form of Island, 57
Palma, 47
Peaked island, 72
Perforations in marl, 74
Phonolite, 56
Pierie’s Kevenge, 53, 54
Plants, casts of, in rubble, 54
Plutonic rocks, 51
Porphyritic lava, 7 7
Prosperous Bay, 59
Pudding stones, 61
Pumice, 59, 61
Pyrdlusite, 57, 75
Quartz, 78
Red marly earth, 64
Red Quarry, 53, 64
Rest, periods of, 52
Rock Cottage, 62, 64
Rollers, action of, 71
Rose Cottage, basalt at, 48
Rubble, volcanic, 52
beds, 53, 58, 70, 73 g
Rudimentary origin of gorges, 59
Rupert’s Beach, 73
Hill,. 72
Yalley, 61
Sampson’s Battery, 61
Sandy Bay, 46
Sandy Bay Beach, 50
crater, 48, 64, 69
Ridge, 46, 48, 51
Schistose dike, 67
Scoriaceous lava, 56, 59, 61
slag, 53
Scum, 62
Sea bottom, 46
currents, 54
effects of, on coast line,
58, 67, 70
salt, 73
Selenite, 78
Serpentine, 73
“ Shaken Rocks,” 66
Shark’s Valley, 59
Shingle, 67
Shy-path, 55
Silicate of iron, 78
Size of Island, 46, 57
Skolecite, 78
Slopes from ridge to sea, 73
Snails, borings of, 75
Snow, probability of, 59
Solfatara, site of, 65
Soundings, 46
Speery Rock, 51, 64, 66, 72 ;
Springs of water, probable cause
of, 74
Stalactite, 78
Stalactitic cave, 58
Stalagmite, 78
Steam, 52
St. Helena, first appearance of,
St. Paul’s Island, 47
Stone top, 57, 59, 71
Strata, disjointing of, 64
Stratification, 49, 52, 56
Sub-base of Island, 60
Sub-oceanic force, 64
Subterranean force, 60, 64
Sulphate of lime, 78
Sulphur, absence of, 73
Sun berry Cottage, 59
Surface soil, 49, 52
Swamps, probable existence of, 75
Swampy Gut, 48
Thompson’s Hill, 58
Thoms, Mr. 46
Tints of rocks, 49
Trachyte, 77
Trade wind, influence of, 61
Trees, casts of, in rubble, 53
Tufaceous rock, 77
| Tufas, 61
Turk’s Cap, 72
Bay, 60, 65
Yalley, 65, 66
Undermining action of sea, 70
Unio sheppardianus, 61
Upheaval, 60, 64
probable cause of, 65
improbable, 58
Vegetable soil, 48
.Vegetation, 49
Vesuvius, 52
Acanthia lectularia, 199
Acanthomerus, 149
armatm, 152
Acanthurus cbirurgus, 105
Acarus domesticus, 218
Achaea melicerta, 1.86
Achatina clavata, 116
exulata, 116, 123
subplicata, 123
Acherontia átropos, 181
Acheta, 167
Acidalia atlántica, 187
separata, 185
Actinozoa, 128
Adoretus versutus, St., 134,144
iEga sp. ? 204
JEgialitis sanctse helenae, 88, 95
Africans, 80
Agrotis obliviosa, 183
pallidula, 183
Albatross, 90
Albicore, 107
Alexander, Mr., 116
Alligators, absence of, 99
Alphitobius diaperinus, 134, 160
piceus, 134, 161
Alysia, cephalotes, 179
Amaurobius crucifer, 210
Ampulex eompressa, 177
Anchastus atlanticus, 134, 146
Anchoscelis insularis, 182
Anemones, sea, 128
Annas boschas, 96
Anobium confertum, 134, 147
paniceum, 134, 147
striatum, 134, 147
velatum, 134, 147
Anous stolidus, 98
Anser for us, 96
Antennarius multiocellatus, 108
pinniceps, 107
Anthomyia lardaria, 197
Antipathes pinnatifida, 128
Ants, 177
Apamea subvelata, 184
Aphides, 198, 199
Aphis rumicis, 199
sp.? 199
Aphodius lividus, 134 ,1 4 4
Apis mollifica, 178
Apogon axillaris, 103
Vitreous edges of dikes, 65,66, 73
Volcanic action, 47, 51
periods of rest, 52
action, cessation of, 57
mud, 70
mud, formation of, 52, 53
Warm spring, 73
Water, 52
^effect of, 58
hermetically sealed in lava,
Araeocerus fasciculatus, 134, 155
Area domingensis, 127
Argiope aurelia, 213, 214
Argonauta argo, 118
Argyrodes epe'irae, 213, 214
Ariadne mellissii, 211
Artema convexa, 211
Asclepias butterfly, 180
Aspidomorpha miliaris, 135, 158
Asterina minuta, 219
Attagenus gloriosas, 134, 143
Aulostoma coloratum, 108
Auxis rochei, 106
Averdevat, 91
Aves, 87
Avicula hirundo, 127
Balaena mysticetus, .86
Balanophyllia sp.? 113, 129
Balanus tintinnabulum, 205
Balistes buniva, 112
| Banks, Sir J ., 160
Barnacles, 205
Bastard Cavalley Pilot, 108
cunning fish, 104
fivefinger, 108
hog-fish, 112
Bates, Mr., 171
Beard-fish, 105
Bed bug, 199
Bee, 130, 178, 181
Beetles, 131
Belone lovii, 110
Bembidium mellissii, 134, 138
Bewicke, Mr., 135
Bird-eye conger, 111
Birds, 87, 200
Black and white butterfly, 180
Blackbird, 89
Black spider, 208
Blatta bicincta, 166
germanica, 166
Blofeld, Mr., 113, 117
Bluebottle fly, 197
Blue butterfly, 181
shark, 1 12
Booby, 97
Bos taurus, 84
Bott fly, 196
Bottle fish, 112
Botys abstrus&lis, 189
Water, large number of springs of,
springs of, 73
Waterfall, the, 64
West Lodge, 60, 69
White Hill, 60
Width of Island, 46
Windward coast cut away, 71
Woodlands, 63
Zeolite, 67, 69
Botjs creonalis, 189
cedipodalis, 189
Bowerbank, Dr., 220
Brain coral, 129
Brazilian yellow-wood, 176
Bruchus advena, 135,157
rufobrunneus, 135, 157
Bugs, 198
Bugula neritina, 128
Bulimi, 115, 118
Bulimus auris-vulpina, 116, 117,
uris-zo vinse, 122
bilabiatus, 116, 122
b lo f e ld y ll6, 117, 122
calidonicus, 122
darvinianus, 116, 122
fossilis, 122
goniostoma, 116, 122
helena, 116, 122
melanostoma, 116
relegatus, 122
seaieianus, 116, 122
shongi, 122
signatus, 122
subplicata, 117, 122
sulcatus, 122
terebellum, 122
Bull’s-eye, 103
Deepwater, 103 '
Butterflies, 180
Cabbage trees, 149
Cacatua sulphurea, 93
Caccabis chukar, 94
Cairina moschat&s, 96
Calliphora vomitoria, 197
Calosoma haligena, 134, 137
helenae, 134, 138
Cambridge, Rev. O. P ., 206
Canary, 92
Canis familiaris, 82
Caprella, 121
Caradiina indicata, 185
Caranx crumeuoplithalmus, 106
dentex, 106
hippos, 106
muroadsi, 106
Carcharías glaucus, 112
obscuras, 113
sp.? 112