59. V a l e r i a n a c e e (Valerian Family).
Valeriana, Linn.
353. V. montanaP Linn.—-Pink-flowered Valerian; both, this and
the following species grow almost wild in some of the gardens on
thé high land. Alt. 3.—Hab. Switzerland.
354. V. p hu ? Linn.—White-flowered Valerian.—Hab. Germany.
60. C o m p o s i t e (Composite or Sunflower Family).
Tribe E u p a t o r i a c e e .
Ageratum, Linn.
355. A. conyzoides, Linn.—Cat’s Eye, or Wild Heliotrope ;
grows wild, and is a very common plant everywhere. In Sandy Bay,
at an alt. 3*5, as well as elsewhere, it covers whole fields, which,
when it is in blossom, yield a most delicious perfume, and present
broad sheets of lilac colour ; nevertheless, as a weed it is a great
pest. M. and H. L. Alt. 3-8 to 4. Flowers in August.—Hab.
Eupatorium, Linn.
356. E. pallidum, H. & A.—A slender shrub attaining a height
of six feet, with a profusion of sweet-scented white flowers ; grows
uncultivated, and is rather common in garden shrubberies, at alt. 4,
Terrace Knoll, Longwood Rectory, &c. Is propagated chiefly by
cuttings.—Hab. Brazil.
Tribe A s t e r o i d e e .
Aster, Linn.
357. *A. Burchellii, Hk. f. ; Commidendron Burchellii, D.C.—
This most interesting indigenous plant is now almost extinct. After
long searching, I discovered one small tree of it, about six feet in
height, growing amongst a clump of A. yummiferus, near the old
Picquet House, above West Lodge ; and I believe this to be the
only plant now in existence. Dr. Hooker, in leones Plantarum,
p. 44, describes it as very similar to A. ylutinosus, but with leaves
longer and conspicuously white and woolly beneath. P l a t e 36.
358. *A. glutinosus, Roxb. ;—Gonyza ruyosa, Ait. Hort. Kew ;—