707. C. Warscewiczfi, Dietr.—Deep Red-flowered Indian Shot;
growing commonly in Scotland, and other gardens.—Hah. Costa
Maranta, Linn.
708. M. arundinacea, Linn.—Arrow Root has been grown
and manufactured in the Island, but the plant is now rare.—Hab.
W. Indies.
108. MubacEjE (Banana Family).
Musa, Linn.
709. M. paradisiaca, Linn.—The Plantain; grows uncultivated
and is rather common, in the ravines. C. to H. L. Alt. -2 to 3'8 ;
fruits well.—Hab. Tropics.
710. M. sapientum, Linn.—Banana. At least five varieties—-
viz., the Red, Broad Plat Yellow, Finger, Bastein, and Stout Juicy,
grow wild and are common in ravines and gardens where water exists,
C. to H. L. alt. -2 to 3'8 ; they fruit best ini the low valleys where
there is greatest heat. One of the most abundant fruits in the
Island, is propagated by suckers.—Hab. Tropics.
Strelitzia, Banks.
711. S. reginse, Banks.—Peacock Flower; grows in gardens
and shrubberies, uncultivated; rather rare. Alt. 3'8. Blossoms
freely, and is propagated by suckers. Bot. Mag. I19.--Hab. Cape
of Good Hope.
712. S. august a, Thunb.—Large White Strelitzia, or Travellers
Joy; grows to a height of ten feet. Alt. 3. Very rare ; one at
Plantation, another at Terrace Knoll. Blossoms freely.—Hab. Cape
of Good Hope.
713. S. parvifolia, Dryand.—Narrow-leaved Strelitzia; cultivated
in gardens. Alt. 3-6. Rather rare.—Hab. Cape of Good Hope.
109. I r i d e j e (Iris Family).
Antholyza, Linn.
714. A. sethiopica, Linn. — Common F la g ; grows wild and is
very common, seeding freely. 'Alt. 3‘8 to 4. Bot. Mag. 561 and '
1172.—Hab. Cape of Good Hope.
Babiana, Ker.
715. B. striota, K e r .— Common blue Babiana; grows wild
and is common, in garden localities. Alt. 3‘8 to 4. Bot. Mag. 637.
—Hah. Cape of Good Hope.
716. B. rubro-cyanea, Ker.—Blue-and-scarlet Babiana; cultivated
in gardens; rather rare.—Hab. Cape of Good Hope.
717. B. villosa, Ker.—-Crimson Babiana; cultivated in gardens
; rare. Bot. Mag. 583.—Hab. Cape of Good Hope.
Ferraria, Linn.
718. F. undulata, L i n n .— Poisonous or Spider Bulb; grows uncultivated
in gardens, alt. 3-8, and is rather common. Bot. Mag. 144.
—Hab. Cape of Good Hope.
Tigridia, Juss.
719. T. Pavonia, Pers.—Tiger Lily. This most beautiful showy
flower grows wild in gardens, and is rather common at Oakbank,
Rose Cottage, &c. Alt. 3'8 to 4'4. Seeds abundantly. Bot. Mag.
532.—Hab. Mexico.
Gladiolus, Linn.
720- G. cuspidatus, Jacq.—A whitish-flowered Gladiolus, about
fifteen inches high, growing wild in gardens, at alt. 3'8, the Hermitage,
&c.—Hab. S. Africa. _
721. G. hirsutus, Jacq.; Antliolyza Merianella, Murr.—Cultivated
in gardens. Alt. 3-8. Bot. Mag. 441.—Hab. Cape of Good
Hope. B ' .
722. G. natalensis, Reinw.—Natal Bulb; grows wild and is
common in and about gardens, &c. Alt. 3-8.—Hab. Natal.
Ixia, Linn.
723. 1. monadelpha, Delarb. — Orange-coloured Ixia; grows
' well in gardens. Bot. Mag. 607 and 1378.—Hab. S. Africa. |
724. I. maculata, Linn., var. viridiflora.—Green Ix ia ; cultivated
and very rare in gardens, Oakbank, &c. Bot. Mag. 549. Hab. Cape
of Good Hope.