stem, by tapping it and catching the liquid that flowed from the
The Gum Wood does not grow on the central and most elevated
land where the native cabbage-trees and inhabitants of the
cooler region are found. Scarcely a tree exists at a greater altitude
than 1900 feet above the sea; and there is still sufficient
evidence to show that its habitat was on the now semi-barren slopes
which stretch away to the sea-coast, and encircle the middle zone
of the Island—such as Longwood, Deadwood, Man and Horse,
New Ground, and similar localities. Longwood and Deadwood,
as their names imply, were originally covered with tree s; nor is
this the only evidence of their having been abundantly wooded, for
natives still living on the Island, as well as the records, tell of thick
woods once covering those now grassy plains. Knowing this to
be the case, there is no reason to doubt that other parts of the
Island, which now appear so barren and so unlikely to support
vegetation, were once also, down to the sea cliffs, clothed with green
woods, as stated by the early visitors to the Island. P late 39.
There are not more than about 1300 or 1400 Gum Wood trees
remaining in the Island (1868), according to an approximate estimate,
and they are scattered about in the following positions :—
Longwood, Deadwood, and Lowe’s Gardens, about 700 or 800
Man and H o r s e ..............................................................about 50
Plantation .......................................................................24
Harpur’s . . . . » . ........................... . • 2 or 3
Thompson’s W o o d ...................................................... SO
Rock C o tta g e ....................................................... 2
Plantation S c h o o l ............................................................. 2
Valley at Shipway’s ........................... ' . . . . . . . 15
Valley next to Shipway’s, Eastward.................................2
Valley next to Shipway’s ..................................... 58 or 60
Valley next to Rock Rose H i l l .................................. about 100
Arnos V a le ........................................................... 18 or 20
Woody Ridge . ....................................................... 3
Valley between Rock Rose Hill and Green Hill . . . . 30
Head of the V e i n ...................................... 2
Valley between Rock Mount and Peak Dale . . about 100
Valley between Peak Dale and Lufkins . . . 100.