435. T . radicans, Juss.—Deep orange-coloured Bignonia, growing
in the gardens at Plantation House.—Hab. 1ST. America.
436. T . jasminoides, Lindl.—White and purple-flowered Bignonia,
growing freely and somewhat abundantly in gardens. Bot.
Mag. 4004.—Hab. Australia.
71. Acanthacea; (.Acanthus Family).
Cyrtanthera, Nees.
437. C. magniflca, Nees.—A shrub with pink flowers, somewhat
like a Justicia, growing in flower borders, hut is not common, at
Oaklands, &c., on the high land.—Hab. Brazil.
Justicia, Linn.
438. J . Adhatoda, Linn.—Large white Justicia; grows cultivated,
and is rare in gardens. Alt. 3‘8. Bot. Mag. 861.—Hab. Ceylon.
439. J. peruviana, Cav.—Purple Justicia; grows cultivated, and
is rather common'about gardens. Alt. 3‘8.—Hab. Peru.
440. J. carnea, Lindl. var. superba —Pink-flowered Justicia;
grows uncultivated, hut is rare in gardens on the high land. Hab.
S. America.
Meyenia, Nees.
441. M. erecta, Benth.—A pretty purple Bignonia-shaped
flowered shrub, recently introduced into gardens on the high land.
Grows at Prospect. H. L. Alt. 3 8. Bot. Mag. 5013.—Hab.
Tropical Africa, Niger.
Thunbergia, Linn.
442. T . alata, Hook.—White Thunbergia; cultivated and rather
rare in gardens. Bot. Mag. 3512.—Hab. Zanzibar, &c.
443. T . fragransP Boxb.—Yellow Thunbergia; grows similarly
to the other species.—Hab. East Indies.
72. Scrophclariace,® (Fiyworl Family).
Antirrhinum, Linn.
444. A. triphyllum, Linn.-—Variegated Snapdragon; growing
uncultivated in gardens. Bare. Bot. Mag. 324.—Hab. Spain.