G. m a r g in a l i a , Walk. Cat. Derm. i. 25.—A ra tte r small black
Cricket, tolerably abundant in similar localities to tbe last mentioned
species. I t also inhabits Madeira.
Zaora, Walk.
*Z . b i f a s c ia ta , Walk.— Known in the Island as the Ground
Hopper; this small light brown creature takes up its abode under
stones and rocks in Jamestown and Rupert’s Yalley and similar
localities where tbe climate is warmest. I t is usually found in
pairs and is not very abundant. Mr. Walker gives tbe following
description of i t :— “ Female testaceous, smooth. Head shining, as
broad as tbe prothorax, with a large brown patch between tbe eyes
and between the antennae where tbe vertex is rounded in front and
includes a testaceous spot. Eyes not prominent. Palpi clavate.
Antennae much more than twice tbe length of the body. Prothorax
on each side with a brown spot extending from tbe fore
border and connected by a short brown line with a brown band on
tbe bind border, this band extending along tbe bind part of each
side; sides rounded; fore part broadest. Mesothorax, metatborax,
and abdomen with brown marks which form three irregular stripes.
Metatborax with a brown band. Eemora with brown spots. Oviduct
somewhat longer than tbe abdomen. Wings rudimentary. Length
of tbe body eight lines. Tbe cerci and legs of the specimen described
are mutilated.”
*. Fam. locustidce,
Conoeepbalus, Tbunb.
C. m a n d i b u l a r i s , Charp. Hor. Ent. 1 0 6 (Locusta).—A very
large green Grasshopper, found in hay-fields and gardens on the
high land. Inhabits, also, S. Europe and H. Africa.
Fam. Acrididce.
(Edipoda, Charp.
*CB. o b u m b r a t a , Walk.—A thick-built, medium-sized, brown
Grasshopper, abundant in the Island, of which Mr. Walker gives
tbe following d e s c r i p t i o n “ Male ferruginous. Head short; vertex-
triangular and with a rim on each side in front of tbe eyes; front
with four slight keels, the inner pair parallel, tbe outer pair
diverging towards tbe face. Antennse not longer than tbe bead and
tbe thorax together. Prothorax with three slight keels; lateral
keels interrupted and oblique; hind border angular in the middle.
Eemora and four anterior tibiae with some black marks. Hind tibiae
pale luteous, shorter than the hind femora. Wings much shorter
than the abdomen. Porewings with some rows of indistinct brown
dots. Length of the body eight lines.”
Stenobothrus, Fisch.
*S. viridipes, Walk.—A medium-sized Grasshopper, having a
light brown body and green legs;' I t is abundant on tbe high
central ridge and adjacent slopes, at altitudes of two to three
thousand feet above tbe sea.; ;Mr. Walker gives the following
description of i t :—“ Male testaceous. Head slightly ascending ;
front mostly or wholly black. Antennse black, as long as tbe body.
Protborax mostly overspread with black, this hue including some
variable testaceous marks on each side; lateral keels slightly inclined
inward. Legs green; tarsi tawny; hind femora vivid green; bind
tibise pilose, with black spines. Forewings cinereous. Length of
tbe body six to six and a half lines. This and tbe following species
are distinguished from the Stenobothri previously described by their
long antennae.”
*S. a n n u l i c o r n i s , Walk.—One of the dark black-and-brown
Grasshoppers which are common in the Island, and of which Mr.
Walker gives the following description :—“ Male black. Head and
prothorax with a broad testaceous stripe on each side. Head with
a transverse testaceous mark on the hind border above; a fusiform
furrow between the eyes; front with a testaceous spot and with two
anterior testaceous bands, the second rounded on the foreside and
abbreviated. Antennse black, somewhat shorter than the body;
each joint with a testaceous band. Prothorax with some testaceous
patches on each side, and with a testaceous dentate band on the
hind border; lateral keels partly testaceous, slightly curved inward.
Abdomen testaceous beneath. Four anterior femora with black dots.
Hind femora with black patches on the outer side. Wings somewhat
shorter than the body. Forewings blackish, this hue including
several small testaceous marks; a broad cinereous streak along the
outer part of the costa; a row of black dots in the disk. Length of
the body nine lines.”