725. I. erecta, Berg.—White Ixia. Uncultivated in gardens;
rather common. Alt. 3'8 to 4. Bot. Mag. 623 and 1173-.—Hab.
Cape of Good Hope.
726. I. patens, Ait.—This beautiful crimson Ixia grows cultivated
in the garden at Oakbank, and is rather rare. Alt. 3‘8. Bot.
Mag. 522.—Hab. Cape of Good Hope.
727. I. conica, Salisb.—Yellow-and-black Ix ia ; grows wild and
is rather common in gardens. Alt. 3'2 to 4. Bot. Mag. 539.—
Hab. Cape of Good Hope.
7 28. I. maculata, Linn.—White-and-brown-flowered Ixia, growing
in gardens on the high land. Bot. Mag. 1285.—Hab. .Cape of
Good Hope.
Iris, Linn.
729. I. ochroleuca, Linn.—White Iris; grows wild and is
common in clumps about Plantation, Rosemary Hall, &c. H. L.
Alt. 3‘8. Bot. Mag. 1515.—Hab. Levant.
730. I. sp. ?—Blue Iris; cultivated in gardens on the high
Pardanthus, Her.
731. P. chinensis, Ker.—Mentioned by Roxburgh as growing
in the Island.—Hab. East Indies, China, &c.
Morsea, Linn.
732. M. collina, Thunb.—A bulb which springs up annually and
bears bright orange-coloured flowers. I t is quite wild, and covers
whole pastures on the western side of the Island, at Halfmoon, &c.
Cattle avoid it, consequently it is said to be poisonous to them.
Though quite a pest, when in full blossom the fields of it are very
showy and remarkable through its brilliant colour.—Hab. Cape of
Good Hope.
733. M. iridioides, Gawl.—A white and purple-flowered Irislike
plant, common in the garden at Plantation. Alt. 3-6. Bot.
Mag. 693.—Hab. Cape of Good Hope.
Sparaxis, Ker.
734. S. grandiflora, Ker.—Purple velvet Bulb; cultivated in
the garden at Oakbank. Alt. 3'8. Rare. Bot. Mag. 541.—Hab.
Cape of Good Hope.
735. S. tricolor, Ker.—This pink, orange, and black-flowered
Bulb grows in the garden at Oakbank. Bot. Mag. 1482. Hab.
Cape of Good Hope.
Tritonia, Ker,
736. T. longiflora, Ker.—-Long, flesh-coloured Tritonia ; grows
wild and is rather common amongst the grass near gardens.
Alt. 3’8—Hab. Cape of Good Hope.
Trichonema, Ker.
737. T. o c h r o l e u c u m , Ker. —A pretty bright pink star-
flowered bulbous plant, a few inches in height, that grows wild
and is common in the grassfields at Plantation, Rock Cottage,
Myrtle Grove, &c. H. L.—Alt. 4. Seeds abundantly.—Hab. Cape
of Good Hope.
Watsonia, Mill.
738. W. i r i d i f o l i a , Ker.—Sour Bulb, so called from the acidity
of its leaves ; grows wild and is common in St. Paul’s Churchyard,
shrubberies, &c. H. L. Alt. 3’8. Bot. Mag. 6 0 0 .-H ab . Cape of
Good Hope. ■
739. W. M e r i a n a , Ker.; Antholyza Meriana^ Linn.—Grows wild
and is common about shrubberies. Alt. 3'8. Bot. Mag. 418.
Hab. Cape of Good Hope.
740. W. m a r g i n a t a , Ker.—Peach-blossom Bulb ; grows wild
and is common, generally associated with the other species. Bot.
Mag. 608.—Hab. Cape of Good Hope. ,
741. W. rosea, Ker.—Wild Bulb, or Pink Watsonia. Wild
and common in and near to gardens, St. Paul’s Churchyard, &c.
Alt. 3'8.—Hab. Cape of Good Hope.
110. Amaryli.idaceæ (Amaryllis Family).
Amaryllis, Linn.
742. A. r e g i n æ , Linn.—Large red single-flowered Amaryllis ;
cultivated in gardens, rather rare. Alt. 3-8. • Bot. Mag. 453.—
Hab. Mexico.
743. A. belladonna, S w e e t .— Belladonna, or Common Pink
L ily ,- grows wild and is very common. H. L. Alt. 3'8 to 4. These
pretty flowers shoot up from amongst the grass m considerable