Wneent Bro o ks J.ith
m s r p t fCJl;L- 47
, His heart was placed in splrti, fund in kM udtftery uniform the
body lay in state on the two f$fk tin g days, tbr fUjjjrof the Legion
of Honour on the side, and * «ass* Mx a»-'fcfcl-%<«•#• 'Ihk room was
draped in, blank, and theM. wew* k irtkmdau«' jsM Countess
Bertrand, Coupt MonfchoVn.,-ts# briest, physician, » id »-«¡..Es,
‘‘ Preparatory to tha - :b ¡*jv* I the body -was put Iteto u Iswden
coffin, in the dress t® wSkhdi d« I W lain in state, including boots end
spurs. The leaden -.vi'fec w*»» I «enclosed in two ofisKns, jbhm* of
i;.:.;::.hiogaBy; the ¿st*!®® » ji plain top and sides, ebony simpd
the edges, * a i pISMBE it*;*»! .se-ri (ys. Pursuant to military orders for
condtnl i;'4; A«r iSsWiiWf'if ad k the honours usually paid to the
temnam ^ i^Wwr.d. of the highest rank,„the left side of the road
It- -,i. Li;" a-.-'.i in a di1 petion towards the burying place, was,
on the Bib May. lined witf I a l l . the troops of the garrison" the
Royal Artillery on the light ¡of the whole, then the 20th liegiihent,
the Royal. Marines, the 60? h Regiment? the St. Helena Artillery,
the St. Helena Regiment, ar id on the left the St. Helena Volunteers.
The body,- in a car drawn / by four horses, and the whole of the
funeral procession, passed i long, the front of the line of troops, the
ha nd of each corps playing solemn music. When the procession
cleared the left o f the line I it was followed by the troops, until they
toe« *tf a position upon 1 he. road above the burying place; and at
the 9 « body *.y,> I lowered into' the grave three diphrtfpa
were ;je -1 -e •.■¡«-e»!-.:, Ifjif!*• flt «rtiltesy..
Thus, ak a P'o. itVi lilifc c w a rtstesiMiM ^ sta led below
Hut’s Gate, and distaii.t-. Ijoisevha I iK e " tsiait a as; e ■ from Longwood
orwivd bank, had the water for. \
d that in accordance with his
r his grave. 5
1 on the 25th July following,
to tins Island is of
P P I | T l to 'l jM i , as "a -
traders, being of line utmost
rharf in Jamestown was much
Heiisaa, 1824.
was Napoleon buried, itt is sai
resorted to this seelwW« spot, am
which bubbled up tkeji|,;h ike m
his own use carried jB /uoagwooiei, an
own expressed Wish iff was selected 10
Sir Hudson Low/ /left the Islam
Mr. Thomas Henry / .u; cotep assumir
and the troops whicij / ■•? been sent
Napoléon » residei
watering station
importance a t this