It W
I I I !
Folia laxe imbricata patentia subovalia ovatave rotundata, margine
dorsali recurvo integerrimo, ventrali apiceque denticulis paucis
armato, cellulis rotundo-bexagonis interstitiis angustis areolata.
Melliss, Capt. Haughton. Stems two or three inches long, devoid
of rootlets. Foliage very pale-brown, not altered when dry. In appearance
closely resembling the European P. asplenioides in its larger
forms, but on comparison its areolation is found to be composed of
cells more than twice as large, and the outline of the leaf is a little
more ovate.
Fragments of another species like very small states of P. spinw-
losa have been seen from St. Helena; also of two different, species
from Tristan d’Acunha.
Jungermannia, Linn.
941. f J . ineumbens, Lehmann et Lindenberg in Lehm. Pugill,
pi. vi. p. 60; Gottsche Lindenb. et JSTees ab Esenbeck, Synop.
Hepat. p. 80.—Hab. Tristan d’Acunha, Campbell, Seemann.
Very nearly allied to J.piligera, as stated in the Synopsis; it is
also similar to a Brazilian species gathered by Von Martius.
This species differs from J. obtusata, Taylor, in the deeper sinus
and sharper straighter segments of the leaf; it is also of a dull
brownish colour.
942. *J. obtusata, Taylor Lond. Journ. of Bot. 1845, p. 80.—
Dr. Hooker, Capt. Haughton.
The lobes of the leaves of this species are frequently broken off;
when perfect they are acute, and with the whole plant of a reddish-
brown. I t can scarcely be possible that this species can be identical
with the J. subcomplicata, Lehm. et Lindenb., from the Marian
Islands, to which it has been referred in the Synopsis.
Lophocolea, Nees ab Esenbeck.
943. #L. hum istrata, Tayl. Lond. Journ. of Bot. 1845, p. 82.—
Dr. Hooker, Capt. Haughton.
A small species, of a pale green colour, becoming paler by age;
its leaves alternate, or just touching each other; the apex obtuse,
rounded, entire or with an obtuse notch ; the small rounded biden-
tate stipules narrowly connected with the leaves on each side; the
involucral leaves oval, bidentate with an obtuse sinus, connate be