on the elytra or. wingrcovers. .It. inhabits both the high and lowland,
hut chiefly the north-eastern quarter of the Island, where it
may be detected, generally in pairs, under stones, or sometimes m
broad daylight walking across a roadway, in the neighbourhood of
Eupert’s Yalley or Longwood. Mr. .Wollaston says: “ I t seems to
belong to the same type as the African, species senegalense and
rugosum, from the .former of which it is nevertheless abundantly
distinct. From, the latter it. differs {inter alia) in being more
depressed, and in having its coppery punctures smaller, in its prothorax
being more deeply rugose before and behind, and in its legs
being less robust.” . This creature emits a . most unpleasant odour
when taken in th e . hand, and is frequently, covered with very small
parasitic insects.
*C. h e len .se , Hope.—A Beetle very like the last species m
appearance, hut smaller and blacker, and perhaps more generally
distributed in the Island.
Pristonychus, Dei.
P . c o m p l a n a tu s , Dej.—A glossy black Beetle, rather more than
half an inch in length, inhabiting the high land of the central parts
of the Island; found under stones, fallen trunks of trees, &c. Mr,
Wollaston writes of it th u s : “ I t is a species of Mediterranean
latitudes—occurring in Portugal, Spain, the South of France, Italy,
Sardinia, Sicily, Egypt, Barbary, &c. I t is abundant also m the
Azores, Madeiras, and Canaries, and has been reported even from
Chib,” -
Bemhidium, Auct.
*B . m e l l i s s i i , Woll.— A very beautiful little light-hrown Beetle,
one-sixth of an inch in length, taken from the high land, of which
Mr. Wollaston writes, that “ it belongs to the same group as the
European B. varium and fiammulatum. I t is well distinguished by
its dull brassy-green head and prothorax, and lurid-testaceous elytra—
the latter of which are ornamented with a number of darker fasciae
and cloudy patches, forming (on each elytron) a large sub-apical
blotch, a postmedial zigzag (or deeply dentate) fascia, and two
squarish antemedial spots placed in an o b l i q u e - direction (from the
shoulder) on the fore disk. The elytral striae are coarsely and
c l o s e l y punctured, or crenate, and there are two^ large punctiform
impressions on the third interval from the suture.”
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