l'uni. Scalariidoe.
Scalaria, Lam.
*S. modesta, C. B. Adams,—A very beautiful, fluted, spiral
shell, about three-quarters of an inch in length, found alive on the
Windward Coast adhering to the rocks. Yery rare.
Fam. Pyramidellidce.
Odostomia, Mem.
* 0 . c i r c in a t a , H. Adams.
Fam. IantMnidæ.
Ianthina, Lam.
*1. f r a g i l i s , Bruguière.—This beautiful purplish-blue and white
shell is cast ashore in a living state in large quantities on the
beach at Sandy Bay, on the windward side of the Island, during
strong S.E. trade-winds, and with it are associated large numbers of
the Portuguese Man-of-War and a species of Velella.
Fam. Fulimidce.
Eulima, Bisso.
* E . n. sp.—A very beautiful small, long, thin, pearly-white shell,
about one-third of an inch in length, found in a dead state in the
pools of the West Bocks, but in good preservation and apparently
Fam. Naticidoe.
Nat ica, Bruguière.
*N. nitid a , Donovan.—A British shell found on the sea-shore.
C LA S S I I I . — CON C H I P E R A .
O r d e r L a m e l l ib r a n c h ia t a .
Fam. Ostreidce.
Ostrea, Linn.
* 0 . c r i s t a - g a l l i , Linné.—This scallop-lipped Oyster, which is
common in the Asiatic seas, is occasionally taken in a living state
off St. Helena at a depth of fifty or sixty fathoms.
Fam. AviculidcB.
Pinna, Linn.
*P pernula, C h em n itz .-I obtained only one specimen of this
large shell, which had been washed ashore on the beach at Lemon
Valley. I t did not contain au occupant.
Avicula, Lam.
*A hirundo, L i n n .— T h i s s h e l l , w h i c h i s k n o w n o n t h e English
a n d t h e M e d i t e r r a n e a n c o a s t s , i s a l s o f o u n d o n t h e s e a - b e a c h a t St.
Fam. Mytilida.
Mytilus, Linn.
*M. edulis, Linn.—The Mussel, which is common on the English
and Mediterranean coasts, is found alive adhering to the long pieces
of seaweed which drift on shore at Sandy Bay beach.
*M. crenatus, Lam.—A yellowish-brown bivalve, found with
the other species on the floating seaweed.
Lithodomus, Cuv.
* L . lithophagus, Linn.—-This perforator or stone-borer is to be
found embedded in its holes in the specimens of Litliothamnion, which
are washed up on the sea-beach at Lot’s Wife Ponds and other places
on the Windward Coast.
Fam. Arcidae.
Area, Linn.
*A . domingensis, Lam.—A whitish shell, about half an inch
in length, found in the pools on the sea-shore, and in such a condition
as to warrant the belief that it exists there in a living state.
Fam. Lwcinidm.
Lucina, Bruguiere.
*L . n. sp.—A flat white shell, about half an inch in diameter,
found under the same circumstances as the last, and in good
Fam. Chamidce.
Chama, Linn.
*C. gryphoides, Linn.