907. *L. taxifolium, Svv.; L. axilla/re, Roxb.— A plant mucli
resembling a sprig of Norfolk Island Pine, found, very rarely, growing
amongst the grass on the highest land at Diana’s Peak, alt. 5'4,
where it attains a height of four to six inches.
122. Musci {Mosses).
The following account has been kindly prepared by Mr. Mitten,
who has also illustrated four species, P late 56.
Those species marked t have not been found at St. Helena, but only at Tristan d’Acunha.
Those species marked $ have been found at Ascension, and not at St. Helena.
Dicranella, C. Mueller, Syn. i. p. 430.
S e c t . 1 . Campylopodium, Angstrcemia.— S e c t . 2 . Campylopodium,
C. Mueller, Syn. i. p. 429.
908. *D. proscripta, Hornschuch, in Hor. Phys. Berol. p. 60;
(Didymodon), leptotrichum Hornschuchii, C. Mueller, I.e. p. 450.—
Gathered by all collectors, and, abundantly in fruit, by Dr. Seemann.
This species has been well compared by C. Mueller with the
European Leptotrichum Jlexicaule, which, in the aspect of its foliage,
it much resembles; but the quadrate base of the leaves, from which
the subulate portion is suddenly contracted, is very different.
A considerable number of species, nearly all of a smaller size
than the present one, is found in various parts of the world. One
species is known from the Cape of Good Hope, several from India
and the Islands of the Indian Archipelago, and a few from New
Zealand; but none have yet been observed in Europe or N.
America, unless the minute Siligeria recúrvala inhabiting these
countries should be referred to the same group. One species has been
described by Dr. Hampe, from the Andes of Bogota; but none has
been as yet discovered in the reihainder of that immense continent.
All the species as yet ascribed to this group, are closely similar in
the form of the capsule, which is that common to the Dicranella, of
an oval form, and when passing maturity more or less evidently
ribbed; so that it would appear that, although the species are immediately
distinguishable by the curvature of the seta, there is no
other essential point of difference.
909. $D. Ascensionica, sp. nov.—Caulis gracilis elongatus caes