Polyphorus, Mich.
1032. P. versicolor, Fr.
1033. P . lncidus, Pr.
1034. *P. (Anodermei) induratus, Berkeley: — This new
Fungus, of which Mr. Berkeley has gisfen the following description
and admirable drawing, is very abundant on the old stems of Oak
and other trees which lie rotting in damp places on the high land
at alt. 3-2 to 4. The specimen which Mr. Berkeley examined was
taken from The Hermitage.—Pileo ungulate e tomentoso pallide sub-
laccato, poris elongatis albis minutis, angulatis, dissepimentis tenui-
bus; contextu fibroso-sericea At first evidently soft, then hardened ;
pores about one-seventieth of an inch in diameter. P l a t e 5 6 , f. e.
1035. P. sanguineus, Fr.—The specimen is quite colourless
from exposure to weather. Mr. Berkeley says, “ I believe it to be
Lolyporus sanguineus, Fr.”
Schizophyllum, Fr.
1036. S. commune, Fr.
Scleroderma, Pers.
1037. S. vulgare, Fr.—This Puff Ball, commonly called “ Devil’s
Snuff-box,” is very common on the high land, along the roadside
banks, and amongst the wooded parts.
126. M a r i n e A l g 2e [Seaweeds).
Professor Dickie has very kindly examined my collection, and
identified the following species. Journ. Linn. Soc. 1873 vol' xiii
p. 178.
Ulva, Ag.
1038. 17. latissima, Linn.—The bright grassy-green Seaweed
which is very common around the shores of the Island; also generally
found distributed in temperate and colder oceans.
1039. TT.parvula, Ktz. ?—Bare at St. Helena; found adhering
to Laurenda cruciata.
Enteromorpha, Ag.
1040. E. sp. ?—Found adhering to Laurencia cruciata. Probably
JE. percursa, Hook.
Valonia, Gm.
1041. V. Verticillata, Ktz.?—Taken from the shallow pools on
the windward coast.—Bare at St. Helena, and found also at Vera
Codium, Stackh.
1042. C. tomentosum, Stackh.—A very rare, coarse green Seaweed,
growing in the pools on the windward coast.—-It is nearly
cosmopolitan throughout tropical and temperate oceans in both hemispheres
and antarctic seas.
Griffithsia, Ag.
1043. G. setacea, Ellis?—-Found adhering to Laurencia cruciata.—
It is also found on the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts of
Europe, the Canaries, Hew Zealand, and Australia.
Centroceras, Kutzing.
1044. C. clavulatum, Ag. — Found adhering to Corallina
carinata.—Found also in Florida, the Mediterranean, Canaries,
Indian Ocean, Bio Janeiro, Callao, Vera Cruz, Cape of Good Hope,
Mauritius, Sandwich Islands, Tahiti, Australia, Tasmania, and Hew
Grateloupia, Ag.
1045. G. fi.li.cina, Wulf. — A dark purple Seaweed, rather
common on the coast at St. Helena, and found also on the Atlantic
shores, Canaries, Mediterranean, East Indies, Ceylon, Java, and
Cape of Good Hope.
1046. G. filicina, var. ramentacea.—Found adhering to Am-
phiroa fragilissima, at St. Helena.
Galaxaura, Lamx.
1047. G. lapidescens, Lamx.—A Seaweed from the shallow
low pools.—Bare at St. Helena, and found also at the Canaries, Bed
Sea, Indian Ocean, Mauritius, Madagascar, and Australia.