wild, and is common under walls and stones along roadsides R w I 'b
P lain, &c. M. Alt. 2 '4—Hab. Italy.
Pelargonium, L ’Hérit.
121. *P. cotyledonis, L’Hérit. ; Erodium sempervivutn, Boxb._
This jalant, to which the St. Helenians have given the name of “ Old
Father Live for Ever,” from i t s 1 power of retaining vitality for
•months with'out either soil or water, is'the most curious of all the
indigenous plants. I t is now very rare, but still to be found at
alts. -1 to 2, clinging to the barren, exposed, rocky cliffs overhanging
the sea-coast on the windward side of the Island, where there is least
soil and moisture. The colour of its stem is a chocolate-brown, con-
siderably mottled by the grey lichens growing upon it, and so
nearly resembles the dark basaltic cliffs and soil upon which it'is
found, that a t fcbo wboo. i.- L
seek put the most inaccessible places, where there it a© other vegetation—
indeed, where nothing else would. grow ; and not without
some risk are the plants of it to, be obtained: I t throws out its >
leaves and white blossoms about May or June, after the summer
rains ; these Soon die away again, leaving the plant for the most part
of the year very much like a knotted mass of old fir-tree roots. I t is
now chiefly found on Sandy Bay Barn and Man and Horse Cliffs;
and the only places inland where it occurs, and that very rarely, are
Cole’s Bock,\ in Sandy Bay, and the eastern side of High Knoll,
alt. 3-75. P la t e 30. Also L ’Héritier Gerraniaceæ, t. 27.
122. P . denticulatum, Jacq.—Nutmeg Geranium; grows wild
about the high land shrubberies, especially in the neighbourhood ~
of St. Paul’s churchyard, where it is very common.—Hab. Cape of
Good Hope. '
128. P . graveolens, Ait.—Geranium with the odour of a Bose,
said by Boxburgh to grow in the Island.—Hab. Cape of Good
124. P . hybridum, Ait.—Bastard Scarlet Geranium; grows
wild, associated with the larger variety.—Hab. Cape of Good
125. P. glutinosum, A it—Oak-leaf Geraniujn ; grows wild
and abundantly about the woodside hedges and St: Paul’s
IB/Fitch, del etlifli.