also ■wild on the rocky lower lands, such' as The Waterfall, and
similar places. M.—Hab. Sardinia.
323. A. graveolens, Linn —Celery; grows well in garden#, and
is cultivated.—Hab. Europe,JN. Africa, W. Asia.
Anethum, Linn.
324. A. foenieulum, Linn.'—Fennel; grows as a weed abundantly
about gardens and shrubberies on the higher parts. Alt. 2 - Hab.'
Europe, N. Africa, W . Asia.
Bupleurum, Linn.
825. B. rotundifolinm, Linn.—Hare’s E a r ; occasionally seen1
about gardens,' probably introduced with corp seed. - Hab.
Europe, Asia. Mawf. fee.
320. C. p u n t 11«. * • •% t-1-; fkit Paeisiey ; grows wild about
the rocky parts, flames Road, o'>•' ^ Hop. H of Euorpe.,
- Daucus, Linn.'
827. D. carota, Linn.—The Common Carrot is plentifully cultivated
; it flowers and seeds well.—Hab. Europe, Asia, &c.
Hydrocotyle, Linn.
828. H. asiatica, Linn.—Pennywort; mentioned by Roxburgh,
as growing in the Island.—Hab. Asia, Australia, Cape ■ of Good
Hope, &c.
Lichtensteinia, Cham.
3 2 9 . *L. Burehellii, Hk. f.—Dwarf Angelica of the Islanders.
This plant is now v e r y rare, but is occasionally found growing on
the southern precipitous sides of the high central ridge near the Cap
of Dunloe, towards Diana’s Peak, and also at High Peak. Alt. 5 to.
5 T . I t flowers in the month o f D e c e m b e t . P l a t e 3 8 . Also Hk.
Icon. Plant. 1083.
; , ' Pastinaca, Linn.
330. P. sativa, Linn.—Pasrsnip; cultivated in gssril«», bat does
not succeed well.—Hab. Europe, N. Asia. IN .Fitch, del ethth.
L I 6 H T E N - S T E T N I A B U R C H E L L I I .
IfincenbBrooks Day & Scaxhup.