also wild on the rocky lower lands, such as The Waterfall, and
similar places. M.—Hab. Sardinia.
823. A. graveolens, Linn.—Celery; grows well in gardens, and
is cultivated.—Hab. Europe, N. Africa, W. Asia.
Anethum, Linn.
324. A. foeniculum, Linn.ia-Fennel; grows as a weed abundantly
about gardens and shrubberies on the higher parts. Alt. 2. Hah.
Europe, N. Africa, W. Asia.
Bupleurum, Linn.
325. B. rotundifolium, Linn.—Hare’s E a r ; occasionally seen
about gardens, probably introduced with corn seed. — Hab.
Europe, Asia Minor, &c.
Caucalis, Linn.
326. C. pumila, Gouan.—Wild Bur Parsley ; grows wild about
the rocky parts, Barnes’ Road, &c. M.—Hab. S. of Euorpe.
Daucus, Linn.
327. D. carota, Linn.—The Common Carrot is plentifully cultivated
; it flowers and seeds well.—Hab. Europe, Asia, &c.
Hydrocotyle, Linn.
328. H. asiatica, Linn.—Pennywort; mentioned by Roxburgh,
as growing in the Island.—Hab. Asia, Australia, Cape of Good
Hope, &c.
Lichtensteinia, Cham.
329. *L. Burchellii, Hk. f.—Dwarf Angelica of the Islanders.
This plant is now very rare, but is occasionally found growing on
the southern precipitous sides of the high central ridge near the Gap
of Dunloe, towards Diana’s Peak, and also at High Peak. Alt. 5 to
5T. I t flowers in the month of December. P l a t e 33. Also Hk.
Icon. Plant. 1033.
Pastinaca, Linn.
330. P. sativa, Linn.—Parsnip; cultivated in gardens, but does
not succeed well.—Hab. Europe, N. Asia.