Merula olivatra, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 184.8, p. 2 ; Seebohm, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. v. p. 272 (1881).
Turdus olivater, Scl. P. Z. S. 1859, p. 333.
M. gastrseo laetfe ochrascenti-brunneo: pileo et gutture toto nigris: notseo olivascenti-brunneo: rostro flavo:
pedibus rufescenti-brunneis.
Op this Ouzel, ■which is apparently confined to Venezuela, very little is known. I t was originally
described from Caracas, and specimens from this locality are in the Salvin-Godman, Sclater, and
Seebohm Collections in the British Museum. The Salvin-Godman Collection also contains an
example from Valencia, where it was obtained by Mr. A. Goering. Salle states that he met with the
species between Guayra and Caracas (Sclater, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 332). Although Lafresnaye records
its range as extending to Bogota (I. <?.), the species has not occurred in recent Colombian
Merula olivatra belongs to a very distinct section of the Black-headed Ouzels, and, with the
exception of M. roraimce, does not seem to have any close ally. The olive back, ochraceous under
surface, combined with the black head and throat, present a combination of colours which readily
distinguishes the species.
Adult male. General colour above dark olive-brown, rather lighter on the hind-neck and upper
mantle; wing-coverts like the back; bastard-wing, primary-coverts, and quills blackish-brown,
externally olive-brown, the innermost secondaries like the back; tail-feathers blackish-brown, slightly
washed with olive on the margins ; crown of head and nape, sides of face, and centre of fore-neck
black; base of chin white; sides of fore-neck and remainder of under surface of body ochraceous-
brown, a little darker and more olive on the sides of the body, thighs, and under tail-coverts, the
latter with narrow whitish tip s; under wing-coverts and axillaries like the breast; quills dusky
below, ashy along the inner webs: bill yellow; feet reddish-brown (in skin): “ iris brick-red
(A. SallS). Total length 8'5 inches, culmen 0-95, wing 4*45, tail 3’3, tarsus 1T5.
Another specimen, marked “ male” by Dr. Sclater, is rather more earthy-brown below.
The descriptions are taken from Caracas specimens in the Sclater and Salvin-Godman Collections.
The figure is drawn from an example in the Seebohm Collection, also from Caracas.
[R. B. S.]