MER U L A N IG R E S C E N S (Cab.).
Twrdus mgrescens, Cab. J. f. O. 1860, p. 324; Salvin & Godman, Biol. Centr. - Am or., Ayes, i.
p. 26, tab. iy. (1879).
Merula nigrescem, Seebohm, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. y. p. 242 (1881).
M. saturate chocolatmo-brunnea, pileo vix nigricantiore: rostro et pedibus flaris: alis caud&que nigerrimis:
subcaudalibus nigricantibus, minime pallide apicatis.
T h is species is found in the mountains of Costa Sica and Panama. I t was first discovered b y
Dr. Hofimann on the Volcan de Cartago in Costa Bica (Cab. J. f. O. 1860, p. 324), and here,
Dr. yon Frantzius tells us, it is met with at an elevation of from 9000 to 10,000 feet (J. f. O. 1869,
p. 290). Messrs. Salvin and Godman remark:—“ This mountain seems to be the headquarters of
the species -in Costa Eica, as all collectors who have worked there have obtained specimens. I t is,
however, also found in the Dota Mountains, which lie at no great distance from Cartago ” (Biol.
Centr.-Amer., Ayes, i. p. 26).
A specimen from San Francisco (4500 feet), obtained by Mr. Henry Eogers, is in the Salvin-
Godman Collection, and Mr. Boucard met with the species on the Volcan de Irazu in May 1877.
I t was also obtained by Cooper on the last-named mountain. Mr. Nutting also procured a specimen
on the summit of Irazu in February (Proe. U.S. Nat. Mus. v. p. 494).
The species likewise occurs in Panama, whence Arce sent specimens from the southern slope
of the Volcan de Chiriqui (Salvin, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 180).
Adult male. General colour-above dark chocolate-brown, the scapulars like the back; quills
and tail black, contrasting with the browner colour of the back; the lesser wing-coverts, and
the inner major coverts and innermost secondaries, slightly washed with brown; head dark
chocolate-brown like the back; lores and ear-coverts blacker; cheeks and under surface of body
deep chocolate-brown; the under tail-coverts black, edged with brown; mrillarie. chocolate-brown,
the under wing-coverts blacker; quills blackish-brown beloiv: bill and feet yellow. Total length
9-7 inches, culmen 0-95, wing 5-7, tail 4-5, tarsus 1-4.
Adult female. Similar to the male, but of a slightly paler brown. Total. length 9-5 inches
culmen 0-9, wing 5-45, tail 4-1, tarsus 1-3.
The male described is in the Sclater Collection from the Volcan de Irazu (Zeledon), and the
female is from the Volcan de Chiriqui in the Salvin-Godman Collection.
The figures in the Plate are drawn from a male bird in the Salvin-Godman Collection from the
Volcan de Irazu (Cooper). [K, B S ]