dull ashy-brown, with-a slight vinous tin t; quills dusky below, somewhat more ashy on the inner
webs: “ bill bright gamboge-yellow; feet yellow; eyelid yellow” (/.' Macj/illivray). Total length
8 inches, culmen 0*9, wing 4*3, tail 3*35, tarsus 1*2.
Adult female. Differs from the male in being paler and more olivaceous brown above, the head
being scarcely perceptibly different from the back; the vinous colour of the under surface decidedly
lighter than in the male. Total length 7*5 inches, culmen 1*85, wing 3*9, tail 2*65, tarsus 1*15.
The specimens described and figured are a male from the Seebohm Collection and a female
collected by Macgillivray. [H* B* S.]