dusky brown, with narrow whitish shaft-lines on the ear-coverts; cheeks and throat white, streaked
with dusky brown and separated by a malar streak of dusky-brown spots; remainder of under
surface of body bright orange-rufous, slightly browner on the fore-neck; abdomen white; under
wing-coverts white, with ochreous-brown margins ; axillaries and under wing-coverts ashy-grey,
with whitish margins: “ bill greyish-brown, the gape yellowish ” (P. A. Holst), Total length,
9 inches, culmen 0*9, wing 4*5, tail 3*0, tarsus 1*25.
The female, as might have been expected, bears a close resemblance to that of M. chrysolans,
but the upper parts are more of a russet-brown, and the orange-colour of the underparts is
darker in M. celoenojps.
The descriptions and figures have, been taken from a pair of adult birds in the Seebohm
Collection. [&• Jfe