below ashy on the inner webs : bill and feet yellow (in skin). Total length 11 inches, culmen 1-05
wing 5-6, tail 4-2, tarsus T4- ’
A d u lt female. Similar to the male, but decidedly lighter in colour, the grey of the head not so
dark nor the chestnut colour so deep in tint; the wings and tail blackish washed with olive, especially
on the secondaries ; sides of face and cheeks, as well as the throat and fore-neck, ashy-grey, paler than
m the male, the throat slightly varied with ashy-whitish edges to the feathers, producing a dusky
spotted appearance; remainder of under surface of body light chestnut-rufous; thighs dark ashv ;
under tail-coverts blackish, broadly centred with white. Total length 11 inches, culmen i l l
wing. 5*5, tail 4T5, tarsus 1*4. ’
Dr. Pleske describes the young birds as striped, after the manner of all immature Ouzels, and
says that the young female is like the male, but is somewhat lighter. He gives (I. c.) full descriptions
oi the young of both sexes.
The male and female here described and figured are in the Seebohm Collection, the male having
been obtained by Abbé David in Moupiu, and the female by Prjewalski in Kan-su.
[R. B. S.]