sides of face like the crown; under surface of body a little lighter than the upper surface, the under
wing-coverts and axillaries being also black; the throat slightly paler and of a reddish-brown colour,
broadly, though obscurely, streaked with black: “ bill lemon-yellow ” (jR. Swinhoe). Total length
10-5 inches, culmen TO, wing 6*5, tail 4*4, tarsus 1*5.
Adult female. Bather browner than the male, especially below: “ bill lemon-yellow, with the
tip black ” [JR. Swinhoe). Total length. 11 inches, culmen 1*0, wing 6*1, tail 4*5, tarsus 1*4.
Young male. Besembles the adult male, but the underparts are somewhat washed with chestnut,
the throat being also distinctly rufous, broadly streaked with black.
Nestling. Much browner than the adults, and having obsolete light ashy centres to the feathers
ol the crown and back; wings and tail blacker; lores, eyebrow, and sides of face dull white, spotted
with black; the cheeks, throat, and breast dull white, with blackish spots or bars at the end of the
feathers; the abdomen, sides of body, thighs, and under tail-coverts reddish brown, darker brown on
the latter.
The adult male described is a bird in the Seebohm Collection from Amoy, obtained in November
1866 by Swinhoe. The female described is one from Ningpo, in the Seebohm Collection, obtained
by Swinhoe on the 27th of January, 1873. These specimens have also been figured in the Plate of
the species. g. S.]