liora-colour, whereas in M. plumbed it seems to be always black, and in the last-named bird there
is only a white spot on the base of the.cheeks, whereas in M. schistacea the cheeks are white as far
as the level of the centre of the eav-coverts, forming a broad moustache. The chin is white and
the throat black in both species. The specimen in the Museum is a female, and measures.
Total length 10*5 inches, culmen T05, wing 4*8, tail 4*0, tarsus 1*45. • [R. B. S.]
Mimocichla ravida, Cory, Auk, p. 499 (1886); id. B. West Indies, p. 285 (1889); id. Cat.
West-Indian Birds, p. 157 (1892).
M. gutture cinereo, pectori concolore.
I h a v e never seen an example of this Grey Thrush, which has been described by Mr. Cory from the
island of Grand Cayman. I t would appear to be allied to M. ardesiaca and to have the bill
orange-red; the throat, however, is described as being grey like the breast.
The following is Mr. Cory’s original description:—“ Bill large; general plumage dull ashy or
brownish plumbeous; no stripes on the throat, which is of the same colour as the breast; a patch of
dull white on the vent and under tail-coverts; three outer tail-feathers tipped with white on the
inner web: bill, bare space round the eye, and legs orange-red; iris dull red. Length 9*50 inches,
wing 5*25, tail 4*40, tarsus 1*50, bill 0*90.” [R. B. S.]