throat being buffy white, with distinct lines of triangular blackish spots; fore-neck, breast, and sides
of body light ochraceous-brown; the centre of the abdomen ashy, verging into white on the vent and
under tail-coverts, the latter having dusky bases and rather broad margins of dusky brown; axillaries
and under wing-coverts orange-buff; quills dusky-brown below, washed with ashy-fulvous along the
inner web: bill yellow. Total-length 8*5 inches, culmen 0*8, wing 4-3, tail 3*0, tarsus 1*05.
I t must be noticed that Taczanowski, in his description of the female of T. leucops, gives the
under tail-coverts as fulvous and the bill as black. One of the female birds from Sarayacu has a
black bill, but in another from the same place the bill is yellow. In other respects they agree with
the bird from Chamicuros described above.
Taczanowski says that the young birds in their first plumage are entirely different from those of
M. serr.ana.
The male described is from Tambillo'(Stolzmann), in the Sclater Collection; and the female is
from Chamicuros, in the British Museum. [B- B. S.]