Dr. Wallace says that the specimen obtained by him was feeding on the ground among thé
strawberries which have been planted on Mount Pangerango. No other notes on the habits of the
species seem to have been published.
Adult. General colour above smoky brown, with a slight wash of ashy grey ; wing-coverts like
the back ; quills sepia-brown, slightly shaded with grey ; tail-feathers sepia-brown ; head and neck
all round smoky brown, as well as the fore-neck and chest, the latter slightly washed with grey ;
breast and abdomen clear ferruginous, as also the flanks ; the sides of the breast smoky brown ; a
small white patch on the lower abdomen ; sides of vent and thighs smoky brown, as also the under
tail-coverts, the latter broadly streaked with white down the centre ; under wing-coverts, axillaries,
and quill-lining smoky brown : “ bill, feet, and eyelid yellow ; iris olive ” (A. B. Wallace). Total
length 9*6 inches, culmen 0*85, wing 4*8, tail 3*75, tarsus-1*3*5.
The description is taken from an adult male collected by Dr. A. R. Wallace in West Java at
9500 feet. The specimen figured is a Javan specimen in the Tweeddale Collection. ,[R. B. S.]