T A B L E X X V .
T he num ber o f specimens
in each perio d to be assignee
to th e several groups.
R esu lts as th ey appear in the
Curves o f P robability.
E a rly P redynastic. M ales.
Cephalic Index.................. 8 9 20 53 The most inconsistent but one of all the
curves of this index for males.
Vertical Index.................. 8 9 7 40
Strikingly inconsistent.
Upper Facial Index . . . 8 Inconsistent.
Nasal Index...................... 8 87 Very inconsistent.
Estimated Cranial Capacity. 8 9 7 40 Nearly consistent.
L a te P redynastic. M ales.
Cephalic Index.................. 20 86 25 44 125 The most consistent of all the curves for
this index in males.
Vertical Index.................. 20
The most consistent of all the curves for
Upper Facial Index . . . 20 86 25 1 82
this index in males.
Very consistent.
Nasal Index...................... 20 36 25 20 101 Very consistent.
Estimated Cranial Capacity. 20 85 24 25 104 Consistent.
F irst D ynasty. M ales.
Cephalic Index.................. 6 10 6 19 41 Fairly consistent.
Vertical Index.................. 6 6 15 87 Nearly consistent.
Upper Facial Index . . . 6 6 0 Too few for a curve.
Nasal Index....................... 6 6 7 Too few for a curve.
Estimated Cranial Capacity. 6 6 13 85 An unusual concentration at the mean.
S ix th to T w elfth D ynasties.
Cephalic Index.................. 80 77 87 28 172 Very consistent.
Vertical Index.................. 81 78 87 25 171 Fairly consistent but remarkable for the
great width at the apex.
Upper Facial Index . . . 81 87 7 156
Nasal Index....................... 81 81
37 14 The least inconsistent of all the curves of
Estimated Cranial Capacity. so 37 26 170
this index for males.
T w elfth to F ifteen th D ynasties.
H ou. M ales.
Cephalic Index . . . . . 10 81 9 5 55 Inconsistent
Vertical Index.................. 10 9 4 54 Very consistent.
Upper facial Index . . . 10 81 9 0 50 Consistent with irregularities of small
Nasal Index...................... 10 9 The least consistent of all the curves for
this index for males.
Estimated Cranial Capacity. 10 31 9 4 54
Unusual concentration at the mean.
E ighteenth D ynasty. Abydos.
Cephalic Index.................. 8 31 10 1 50 Very consistent.
Vertical Index.................. 8 31 10 1 50 Fairly consistent.
Upper Facial Index . . . 8 81 10 0 49 Extremely consistent
Nasal Index....................... 8 10 1 50 Inconsistent.
• Estimated Cranial Capacity. 8 31 10 1 50 Inconsistent-
E ighteenth D ynasty. S h e ik A li.
Cephalic Index.................. 8 22 7 4 41:1 Inconsistent.
Vertical Index.................. 8 22 7 4 41 Fairly consistent.
Upper Facial Index . . . 8 22 7 0 87 Consistent with irregularities of slight
Nasal Index...................... 8 22 7 2 89
Estimated Cranial Capacity. 8 22 7 4 41 Inconsistent
Ptolem aic P eriod. M ales.
Cephalic Index.................. 10 35 27 6 78 Fairly consistent.
Vertical Index.................. 9 35 26 5 75 Fairly consistent, but askew.
Upper Facial Index . . . 10 35 27 1 73 Consistent with irregularities of slight
Nasal Index....................... 10 85 27 5 77
Rather inconsistent.
Estimated Cranial Capacity. 10 35 26 3 74 Fairly consistent, but askew.
R om an P eriod. M ales.
Cephalic Index.................. 8 21 11 10 50 The least consistent of all the curves for
this index for males.
Vertical Index.................. 8 21 11 10 '60
Very inconsistent.
Upper Facial Index . . . 8 21 11 5 45 Ambiguous.
Nasal Index....................... 8 21 11 6 46 Distinctly inconsistent.
Estimated Cranial Capacity. 8 21 11 i 10 50 Nearly consistent.
The num ber o f specim ens
in each p erio d to be assigned
to th e several groups.
1 Negroid. |
R esu lts as th ey appear in the
C urves o f P robability.
E a rly P redynastic. Fem ales.
Cephalic Index.................. 8 18 14 20 60 Most inconsistent of all the curves for
this index in females.
Vertical Index.................. 8 17 14 10 49 Consistent.
Upper Facial Index . . . 8 18 15 1 42 Most inconsistent of all the curves for
this index in females.
Nasal Index....................... 8 18 15 4 45 Very consistent.
Estimated Cranial Capacity. 8 17 14 10 49 Consistent.
L ate P redynastic. Fem ales.
Cephalic Index.................. 24 32 29 49 184 One of the most consistent of the curves
for this index in females.
Vertical Index.................. 24 82 29 42 127 The most consistent of all the curves for
this index in females.
Upper Facial Index . . . 24 83 29 5 91 Very consistent
Nasal Index....................... 83 29 26 112 Very consistent, resembling Early Pre-
Estimated Cranial Capacity. 24 82 29 40 125 Consistent.
F irst D yn a sty. Fem ales.
Cephalic Index.................. 12 18 19 17 61 Hardly consistent.
Vertical Index.................. 13 .18 18 13 57 Nearly consistent.
Upper Facial Index . . . 13 13 19 2 47 Doubtful.
Nasal Index....................... 18 13 19 9 54 Very consistent, just like Late Predynastic.
Estimated Cranial Capacity. 12 13 18 13 56 Most inconsistent of all the curves for
this index in females.
S ix th to T w elfth D ynasties. Fe-
Cephalic Index. . ■ . . 15 51 41 89 146 Fairly consistent.
Vertical Index.................. 15 51 41 89 146 Fairly consistent.
Upper Facial Index . . . 15 52 42 5 114 Fairly consistent.
Nasal Index....................... 15 52 42 24 188 The most consistent of all the curves for
this index for females.
Estimated Cranial Capacity. 15 51 41 89 146 Very inconsistent.
T w elfth to F ifteen th D ynasties.
H ou. Fem ales.
Cephalic Index................... 8 24 19 5 56 Fairly consistent.
Vertical Index . . . . . 8 24 19 5 56 Fairly consistent.
Upper Facial Index . . . 8 24 19 0 51 Fairly consistent.
Nasal Index....................... 8 24 19 4 55 Quite consistent.
Estimated Cranial Capacity. 8 24 18 5 55 Consistent.
T w elfth to F ifteen th D ynasty.
A bydos. Fem ales.
Cephalic Index.................. 5 15 11 1 82 Inconsistent.
Vertical Index.................. 5 15 11 1 82 Inconsistent.
Upper Facial Index . . . 5 15 11 0 81 Fairly consistent.
Nasal Index....................... 5 15 11 1 32 Consistent.
Estimated Cranial Capacity. 5 15 11 1 82 Very consistent.
E ig h teen th D yn a sty. Abydos.
Fem ales.
Cephalic Index.................. 12 84 17 4 67 Ambiguous.
Vertical Index.................. 11 84 17 4 66 Consistent.
Upper Facial Index . . . 12 34 17 0 63 Fairly consistent.
Nasal Index....................... 12 34 17 4 67 Very inconsistent.
Estimated Cranial Capacity. 11 34 17 4 66 Very consistent.
E ig h teen th D yn a sty. Shekh A li
Fem ales.
Cephalic Index.................. 7 24 15 2 48 Inconsistent.
Vertical Index.................. 7 24 15 2 48 Strikingly inconsistent.
Upper Facial Index . . . 7 24 15 0 46 Fairly inconsistent.
Nasal Index....................... 7 24 15 1 47 Consistent.
Estimated Cranial Capacity. 7 23 15 2 47 Consistent.
P tolem aic P eriod. Fem ales.
Cephalic Index.................. 17 24 14 7 62 Hardly consistent.
Vertical Index.................. 17 24 15 5 61 Consistent.
Upper Facial Index . . . 17 24 15 8 59 Probably consistent.
Nasal Index....................... 17 24 15 2 58 Inconsistent
Estimated Cranial Capacity . 17 24 14 6 61 Inconsistent.
R om an P eriod. Females.
Cephalic Index.................. 11 18 15 6 50 The least inconsistent of all the curves
for this index for females.
Vertical Index.................. 11 18 15 5 49 The most inconsistent of all the curves
for this index for females.
Upper Facial Index . . . 11 18 15 1 45 Probably inconsistent.
Nasal Index....................... 11 18 15 5 49 Inconsistent
Estimated Cranial Capacity. 10 18 15 5 48 Consistent.