I. Trigonometer for estimating Projection of Face .
II. Example of the Graphic A nalysis of Correlations
III. A n Illustration of the Way in which R acial Differences
EXPRESSED BY SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS....................................................
IV. V iews of the Vaults of the Male Crania • • ■ • '
V. Views of the Vaults of the Female Crania
VI. V iews of the Faces of the Male Crania .
VII. Views of the Faces of the Female Crania
VIII. Views of the Profiles of the Male Crania
IX. V iews of the Profiles of the Female Crania
X. D i a g r a m s s h o w in g C o r r e l a t i o n o f F e a t u r e s . U n d i v i d e d S e r i e s ,
Ma l e s ................................................................................................
XI. Diagrams showing Correlation of Features. Undivided Series,
Fe m a l e s .......................................................................................
XII. D i a g r a m s s h o w in g C o r r e l a t i o n o f F e a t u r e s . U n d i v i d e d S e r i e s ,
Males together with Females . . •
XIII. Diagrams showing Correlation of Features in each of the
tw o R a c ia l G r o u p s . Ma l e s ...............................................................
XIV. Diagrams showing Correlation of Features in each of the
two Racial Groups. Females . • • • •
XV. Diagrams showing Correlation of Features in each of the
two Racial Groups. Males together with Females
A ncient Egyptian Skulls arranged according to Periods
Chart I. Ma l e s ......................................................................
Chart II. Fe m a l e s .....................................................................
. . 45
. . . 4»
• • 55
Between pages
58 and 59
Between pages
112 and 113
In pocket at end
o f volume.
T he present monograph is the report on a large number of crania found in the
course of archaeological excavations in Egypt during the four seasons 1898-1901.
The excavations were, with the exception of those at Regagnah, carried out at the
expense and under the auspices of the Egypt Exploration Fund, and the archaeological
results have already been recorded in a series of works which are referred to in the
Appendix to this volume.
All the sites explored are situated in Upper Egypt in the district anciently
known as the Thebaid. The specimens obtained from them comprise 1,500 crania,
besides a certain number of bones of skeletons, the crania of which are wanting. As
the collection was made by one of the authors who was on the spot and gave the
closest attention to the archaeological evidence, it has been possible to distribute it
into eleven different chronological periods, and thus to make a comparative study
which may be called a physical history.
The number of specimens of each period is as follows:
Early Predynastic; from the three sites of El-Amrah, Hou, and Abydos . 115
Late Predynastic; from the two sites of El-Amrah and Hou . . . 263
First Dynasty; from the three sites of El-Amrah, Hou, and Abydos . . 104
Royal Tombs of the First and Second Dynasties from Abydos . . . 42
Third and Fourth Dynasties from Regagnah . . . . . . . 17
Sixth to Twelfth Dynasties from Denderah . . . . . . . 324
Twelfth to Fifteenth Dynasties from the two sites of Hou and Abydos. . 156
Eighteenth Dynasty from the two sites of Abydos and Shekh Ali . . . 205
Thirtieth Dynasty from Hou . . . . . . . . . 32
Ptolemaic period from Denderah . . . . . . . . . 14°
Roman period from Denderah . . . . . . . . . . 100
A complete list, showing exactly how many of these, Male and Female, were
obtained from each site, will be found in the Appendix, p. 113.
We have also published in the Charts and Appendix the measurements of
sixty-three skulls of the Fourth and Fifth Dynasties which were found, not in the
Thebaid, but at Deshasheh and Medum in Middle Egypt. These have not been
analysed in detail, but have been utilized for comparison with our own material.
For the use of them we are indebted to the courtesy of Professor W. M. Flinders
Petrie and Dr. Garson, who took the measurements.
The 1,500 skulls from the Thebaid were measured by one of the authors1! with
the exception of those from El-Amrah. Of these latter the majority were measured
by Mr. T. A. Joyce, who was at that time working with the authors in the University
Museum at Oxford; while some which had been deposited at Cairo were measured
1 They were measured on the actual sites of the excavations except those from Regagnah, which were
brought to England for the purpose.