which may
result from
the employment
o f Prof.
confined to the mere averages of indices. We may illustrate in this connexion the
nature of the conclusions to which the Sergian system may sometimes lead by a reference
to the classification of the Egyptian skulls in the Naples Museum. Professor Sergi
found (A frica, pp. 50-64) that out of the 86 specimens forming the collection no less
than 21 were of the single form which he styled at that time ‘ Sphenoides aegyptiacus ’
and which he now calls ‘ Beloides aegyptiacus.’ This is a striking example of the
employment of his classification, for much more information is conveyed by the statement
that these 21 skulls are all of exactly the same shape than would be given by the mere
publication of their several cephalic indices. The review of the Naples collection is
further interesting as corroborating the opinion that forms divergent from the Ellipsoidal
and Ovoidal are commoner in the later than in the earlier periods, for the collection,
whatever its precise composition may be, can hardly include any Predynastic skulls,
inasmuch as no archaic cemeteries had been explored at the time when it was formed.
XVIIIth Dynasty (J, K)
XXXth Dynasty (L)
XVIIIth Dynasty
(isolated specimens
forming no series)
j j i
I a7' K 11, K 69 j K 84
::: :::
j o* J 17, j 45, J 65 p L 6, L 14
I (Total of Ellipsoïdes, 9) (Total of Ellipsoides, 3)
o*J25,J 35,K 17 j J 32
... 0 J 54
o * K 79 * ...
o* J 41
... 0 J 48
Ç J 70, J 76
I (Total of Pentagonoides, 10)
o71 2010, 2507,
and another
a* 2006'
o71 2003 and another
(Total of Pentagonoides, 6)
lo ^ J a s " ’ B
l o * J 77
i o *J 13,J 55,K 47
! o* J 87 ...
one imnumbered
? 2008
a* 250Ï ’
! o71 K 78 o K 82
1 a* J 9, J" 21, J 28, ^ J 106 ! ’.! Ç 2007
j J 6 ■ H
(Total of Ovoides, 13) (Total of Ovoides, 4)
o71 L 7 0 J 108
(Total of Beloides, 2)
o71 J 29
(Total of Rhomboides, 1 )
o71 K 77 ç K5S, KSO 0*2009
... ç J 26
(Total of Sphenoides, 4) (Total of Sphenoides, 1)
e The demonstration
the theory
of probabilities
to statistics
in general
0 is due to
j f The theory
, is that a
n number of
„ observations
or a number
of examples
in a senes
6. will group
5, cally about
a centre.
The founda-
iy tion of the
. theory is
IS given by the
facts of
5/, ordinary
P“ and can be
a _ expressed
by certain
, tical forms. St
i e Simple
• example
l y explaining
g j. a few of the
is More
o J 4
o*J49 * ...
(Total of Platyoephalus, 2)