An illustration
of their
to express
racial types.
of such
diagrams to
purposes of
this work.
The results of expressing in this way the characteristics of twenty-two series from
different parts of the world are shown in the diagrams (Plate 111) on the preceding page,
which were based on Sir W. Flower’s catalogue of the collection in the Royal College
of Surgeons. The reader may decide for himself whether this does not convey to his
mind a more definite idea of the differences characterizing the various races or populations
than he would have obtained from any array of numerical averages elucidated
only by such descriptive terms as * Dolichocephalic/ * Brachycephalic/ * Leptoprosopic/
' Chamaeprosopic/ &c., &c. One caution, however, must be given in passing. Plate in
is given as an illustration of method, but it must not be taken as a final judgment on
the characteristics of the races included in it, as Sir W. Flower’s series are too small to
eliminate the element of chance. To take an example which has a bearing on our
immediate subject, his series of * Ancient Egyptians ’ includes at most 30 examples, of which
the dates are unknown, and of course such a series is at once superseded when a large
body of material becomes available.
We have employed this graphic method to express the types as they appear in each
of the periods of Egyptian history with which the present volume deals. The features
selected for comparison are the four which were found to be the most characteristic,
viz. the estimated cranial capacity, nasal index, cephalic index, and facial index. The type
for each of these was taken from the ‘ median’ of the measurements, as being more
trustworthy than either the maximum of frequency or the arithmetical mean when the
series (as is the case in Plates xm, xrv, xv) are small.
In Plates x, xi, xii are exhibited the types obtained for males, females, and
combined males and females of the several series unanalysed into their component groups-
In Plates xm, xiv, xv are given the types for each of the two groups into which,
as shown in the preceding chapter, the several series may be analysed. The number
of specimens available for the two groups in each period may be seen by reference to
p. 53, Tables 11, 111.
To avoid misunderstanding it may be well to quote the actual numerical figures
of the medians.
(Corresponding to Plate X . Males). (Corresponding to Plate X I. (Corresponding to Plate X II.
Females). Males and Females).
1 §§ 3
Early Predynastic........................... 1370 56 m 50} 1250 56} 72} 50} 1310 56} 72 50}
Late Predynasdc...................... - 1390 55} 72 50} 1260 55 78} 60f 1310 55 73 51
First Dynasty............................... 1440 53} 72} 50 1250 55 78} 52 1340 54} 73 51}
Royal Tomb s............................... 1430 55} 74 48} 1300 55} 74} 50 1400 55} 74} 49
Sixth to Twelfth Dynasties. . . . 1410 55} 73} 50} 1255 56} 74} 51 1340 56} 74 50}
Twelfth to Fifteenth Dynasties from
Hon ......................................... 1360 56 72} 48} 1240 57 74} 51 1290 56} 74 49}
Twelfth to Fifteenth Dynasties from
Abydos ..................................... 1460 55 74 48} 1280 56} 75} 50 1800 66} 75 49
Eighteenth Dynasty from Shekh Ali 1360 55} 72} 47} 1250 55 74} 49} 1820 55} 73} 49
Eighteenth Dynasty from Abydos . 1460 55} 73} 49 1300 55} 76} 50} 1850 65} 75 50
Thirtieth D ynasty........................ 1360 54} 72} *7} 1240 54} 78} 49} 1270 54} 73 48}
Ptolemaic period............................ 1390 54} 73} 49 1250 55 75} 60} 1840 54} 74} 49
Roman period................................. 1370 55J 75 48} 1220 55} 75 51 1320 55} 74} 50
T A B L E IX (corresponding to P la te X I I I . M a les d ivid ed series').
Capacity. Upper Facial. Cephalic. Nasal.
Group II.
Group I.
Group II.
Group IL
Early Predynasdc..................................... 1820 1400 62} 58 71 73} 55 47
Late Predynasdc..................................... 1390 1400 52} 57} 71} 71} 54 46}
First Dynasty.......................................... 1870 1410 51} 55} 74} 73} 54} 48}
Royal Tombs ............................................ 1420 — 56 — 74 — 46}
Sixth to Twelfth Dynasties....................... 1880 1480 52 68 78 73} 64} 48
Twelfth to Fifteenth Dynasties from Hon . 1340 1380 58 58} 72} 72} 56 46
Twelfth to Fifteenth Dynasties from Abydos IHH 1470? wm 55 — 74 — 48}
Eighteenth Dynasty from Shekh Ali . . 1380 1870 51} 67 72 78 52} 47
Eighteenth Dynasty from Abydos . . . . 1420? 1480 53 56} 78} 74 54 47
Thirtieth Dynasty..................................... 1370 — 57 -r- 73 1 47
Ptolemaic period......................................... 1390 1390 62 56 78 73} 63} 47}
Roman pe r io d ................................ 1420 1370 50} 67} 77 74 63} 46
of such
diagrams to
purposes of
this work.
T A B L E X (corresponding to P la ie X IV . F em a les d ivid ed series).
Early Predynastic.................................... 1190 1210 61} 59 76 71} 54} 47}
Late Predynastic................................ . 1280 1260 52} 56 73 74} 54 48}
First Dynasty......................................... 1270 1860 52 58 73} 74 54 48
Royal T om b s .......................................... 1840 67} — 74 — 48
Sixth to Twelfth Dynasties....................... 1310 1260 52} 58 74} 75 55} 49
Twelfth to Fifteenth Dynasties from Hou . 1200 1240 52 58 74 74} 52 48
Twelfth to Fifteenth Dynasties from Abydos 1250 1310 53 67} 75 77 54 47}
Eighteenth Dynasty from Shekh Ali . . . 1250 1240 53 66 73 74 64} 47
Eighteenth Dynasty from Abydos . . . . 1840 1260 52 57 75 75} 55 48}
Thirtieth Dynasty..................................... m 1260 — 56} H I 75 — 48
Ptolemaic pe r io d ..................................... 1260 1260 61} 56} 76} 76} 65 47}
Roman p e r io d ......................................... 1250 1200 51 57 75 74} 55 47}
T A B L E X I (corresponding to P la te X V . M a les and F em a les combined
in the d ivid ed series).
Early Predynastic..................................... 1270 1280 52} 58} 78} 72} 54} 47}
Late Predynastic..................................... 1800 1330 52} 66} 78 78} 54 47}
First Dynasty.......................................... 1320 1370 62 56} 74 78} 54} 48}
Royal T om b s ......................................... — 1880 : — 57 . — 74 I p i f * 46}
Sixth to Twelfth Dynasties....................... 1860 1850 52 58 74 74 54} 48}
Twelfth to Fifteenth Dynasties from Hon . 1290 1840 58 58 78} 78} 68}, 46}
Twelfth to Fifteenth Dynasties from Abydos — 1360 — 57 75 48
Eighteenth Dynasty from Shekh A li. . . 1300 1820 52 56} 72 73} 63} 47
Eighteenth Dynasty from Abydos . . . . 1860 1850 52} 56} 74} 75 54} 48
Thirtieth Dynasty..................................... 1240? I860 51} 57 73 73 53} 47
Ptolemaic p e r io d .................................... 1290 1870 52 56} 74} 74 55 47}
Roman period......................................... 1810 1280 50} 57 75} 74} 54 46}