Remarks on
the results
shown b y the
For the present the diagrams may be allowed to speak for themselves; there will be
occasion later to refer to them in detail. It is interesting to see how the series in
Plates x to xn, which but for the analysis epitomized in the last chapter would probably
have been regarded as homogeneous, are in reality made up of the cancellings and
compromises resulting from the juxtaposition of two disparate series to which a certain
number of intermediates have been added. It is evident that the several series differ
greatly from one another, and though in some cases the explanation may be found in
the numerical preponderance of one of the two groups, yet in other cases that explanation
is insufficient, and it will be necessary to adopt one of two hypotheses, viz. either natural
evolution or foreign invasion.
It may further be pointed out that these diagrams of types elicit some evidence of
correlations which the analysis of distribution failed to detect Thus it will be seen
that a rise in the Cranial Capacity is usually accompanied by a rise in the Cephalic Index;
in other words, the greater the cranial contents the rounder does the head tend to become.
Similarly it may be seen that shortening of the face and relative increase in its width
is in most cases accompanied by widening of the nasal aperture.
The Vault views, be seen, do not serve to distinguish the Groups. Professor Sergi’s classification is appended to each skull.
Ellips, rotu idus Per
t. obtusus
D 421
Ellips, rotundus
A 9
Ellips, sphyroides
K 73' R 617 R 601
Ov. latus Ellips, rotundus Ov. cuneatus
R 619 R610
Ov. sphyroides Beloides aegyptiacus
R 602
Ellips, rotundus
Ellips, sphyroides Ov.
X 69
J 17
Ellips, rotundus
0517 D 405 J87 C511 J35 R612
Ellips. rotundus Ov. sphyroides Ov. depressus Ellips. embolicus Pent, acutus Ov. planus
The numbers appended to the above illustrations of skulls are the catalogue-numbers as given in the Appendix and Charts.
The alphabetical letters refer to the several periods thus —
A ■= ‘ Early Predynastic’ C = ‘First Dynasty’ J = ‘ Eighteenth Dynasty from Abydos’ L = ‘ Thirtieth Dynasty’
6 «= ‘Late Predynastic’ D = ‘ Royal Tombs’ K = ‘Eighteenth Dynasty from Shekh Ali’ R = ‘Third and Fourth Dynasties from Regagnah’