A d v e r t i s e m e n t .
T he Author of the following Letters takes the liberty,
With all proper deference, of laying before the public hits
idea of fafc/chlcil Viflory-, Which, he thinks, ought to cbniift
of natural produdtions and occurrences as well as antiquities.
He. is alii) of opinion that if flMo'nai-y men would
pay tome attention to the difh'icts On Which they i elide,
and would publith their thoughts refpefting-the objects that
furrouiid them, froni fuch materials might he drawn the
•moll complete County-hiftoriesy which are {till wanting ih.
fevcral parts of this kingdom, and in particular in the county
of "Smthamptfon.
And here he leitfes the frit (Opportunity, though a late
one,: of returning his mod; grateful acknowledgments to
the reverend tiie.lhetidelit add the reverend and Worthy the
• I'ellows of JbTagddkn College in the tuniverlity: of Oxford,
.ibritheir libeitl behaviour in pefnffiting their archives to be
fear died by a member of their own lociely, to far as the
,. - & evidences