r i i
■ 402 A N T I Q U I T I E S
Will. Winfor [Wy tide for, prior for a few days] 147 r.
[but removed on account of an irregular election.]
'Thomas Farmill [Fairwife, vicar of Smborni] 1471.
[by compromife again eledted by the bifhop.]
[Peter Bertie, re-eledted by fcrutiny in - - 1472,
[religns again in 1478.]
John Sharper \_Sharp~\ alias Glaftonbury. 147 ®'
[Canon-reg. of Bruton, eledted by the. bilhop by com-
[Thomas AJhford, canon of Selborne, laft prior eledted by
the bilhop of Winchefler, fome time in the year - - 1484,
and depofed at the diffolution.]
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I P !
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O F S E L B O R N E , 4 ° 3
B i s h o p Wayneflete’s efforts to continue the Priory ftjll proved un-
fuccefsful; and the convent, without any canons, and for fome time
without a prior, was tending, fwiftly to it’s diffolution.
When Sharp’ s, alias Glajlonbnrf s, priorfhip ended does not appear.
The bifhop fays that he had been obliged to remove fome priors
for male-adminiftration : but it is not well explained how that
could be the cafe with any, unlefs with Sharp; becaufe all the
others, chofen during his epifcopate, died in their office, visa.-
Morton- and Fairwife; Berne only excepted, who relinquifhed twice
voluntarily, and was moreover approved of by Waynflete as a per-
fon of integrity. But the way to fhew what ineffedtual pains the bilhop
took, and what, difficulties he met with, will be to quote the words
of the libel of his proftor Radulphus Langley, ■ who appeared for
the. bifhop in the procefs of the impropriation of the Priory of
Selborne. The extraft is taken from an attefted copy.
« j tem— that the faid bifliop— difto prioratui et perfonis ejufdem
“ pie compatiens, follicitudines paftorales, labores, et diligentias
“ graviffimas quarn plurimas, tam per fe quam per fuos, pro re-
“ formatione premifforum impendebat: et aliquando illius loci
“ prioribus, propter malam et inutilem adminiflrationem, et dif-
“ penfationem bonorum predifti prioratus, fuis demeritis exigen-
F f f z “ tibus,