
their proftor, to defire the afient of the defied, and to notify
What had been done to the bifhop; and to defire him to confirm
the eledion, and do whatever elfe was neceffary. Then their
profilor, before the witnefles, required Berne’s affent in the chapter-
houfe : 1 qui quidem inftanciis et precibus multiplicatis deviaus,
eonfented, “ beet indignus eleaus,” in writing. They therefore
requeft the bifhop’s confirmation of their ekaion * fic canomce
« et folemniter celebrata,” &e. &c. Sealed with their common
feal, and fubferibed and attefted by the notary. Dat. in the chapter
houfe September 5th. i 472, , , , , . ,
In confequence, September n th , 1472, m the bifhop s chapel at
Ether, and before the bifhop’s commiffary, appeared W. Wyndefir,
and exhibited the above inftrument, and a mandate from t e
bifhop for the appearance of gainfayers of the elefibon there K
that day:— and no one appearing, the abfentees were declared
contumacious, and the ele&ion confirmed ; and the vicar of Aulto*
was direfited to induft and inftall the prior in the ufual manner.
Thus did canon Berne, though advanced m years, reaffume
his abdicated priorfhip for the feeond time, to the no fmall fatisfac-
tion, as it may feem, of the bifhop of Wtnchefter, -who profefTed,.
as will be fhown not long hence, an high opinion of his abilities
and integrity.
O F S E L B O R N ’E.' 3 9 5
A s prior Berne, when chofen in 1454, held his priorfhip only to
1468, and then made a voluntary refignation, wearied and di£-
gufted, as we: may conclude, by the diforder that prevailed in his
convent; it is no matter of wonder that, when re-chofen in 1472>
he fhould not long maintain his ftation; as old age was then
coming faff upon him, and the. increafing anarchy and mifrule
of that declining inftitution required unufual vigour and refolution
to ftem that torrent of profligacy which was hurrying it on to it s
diffolution. We find, accordingly, that in 1478 he refigned his
dignity again into the hands of the bifhop.
W A Y N F L E f E R e g . fol. 55.
Refignatio Prioris de Seleborne*
May 14, 1478. Peter Berne refigned the priorfhip. May 16
the bifhop admitted his refignation “ in manerio fuo de IValtham,
and declared the priorfhip void; “ et priorat. folacio deftitutum
“ ef f eand granted his letters for proceeding to a new elefiiion :
when all the religious, affembled in the chapter-houfe, did transfer
their power under their feal to the bifhop, by the following public
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