I l l
On the fame wall is newly fixed a finall fquare table-monument
of white marble,' infcribed in the following manner .
Sacred to the memory
o f the Rev*. A N D R E W E T T Y , B. D.
23 Years Vicar o f this parilh:
In whofe chara&er
The conjugal, the parental, and the facerdotal virtues
were fo happily combined
as to deferve the imitation of mankind.
And i f in any particular he followed more invariably
the Heps o f his bleffed Mailer,
It was in his humility.
His parifhioners,
' efpecially the lick and neceffitous,
as long as any traces o f his memory lhall remain,
mull lament his death.
T o perpetuate fuch an example, this Hone is erected;
as while living he was a preacher o f righteoufiiefs,
fo, by it, he being dead yet fpeaketh.
He died April 8>h. 1784. aged 66 yearsl
e t t e r
W e have now taken leavd of the infide of the church, and lhall
pafs by a door at the weft: end of the middle aile into the belfry.
This room is part of a handfome fquare embattled tower of forty-
five feet in height, and of much more modern date than the
church; but old enough to have needed a thorough repair in 1781,
when it was neatly ftuccoed at a conliderable expenfe, by a fet of
workmen who were employed on it for the greateft part of the
fummer. The old bells, three in number, loud and out of tune,
were taken down in 1735, and call: into four; to which Sir Simtoti
Stuart, the grandfather of the prefent baronet, added a fifth at his
own expenfe: and, bellowing it in the name of his favourite
daughter Mrs. Mary Stuart, caufed. it to be caft with the following
motto round i t :
“ Clara puella dedit, dixitque mihi efto Maria:
“ Illius et laudes nomen ad aftra fono.”
The day of the arrival of this tuneable peal was obferved as an
high feftival by the village, and rendered more joyous, by an order
from the donor, that the treble-bell Ihould be fixed bottom upward
in the ground, and filled with punch, of which all prefent were
permitted to partake.
The porch of the church, to the foUth, is modern, and would not
be worthy attention did it not Ihelter a fine (harp gothic door-way.
This is undoubtedly much older than the prfcfent fabric; and,
T t being
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