<; thirty pounds, in truft, to be applied in manner following -, that
“ is, ten pounds towards the charge of erefting a gallery at the
.“ • weft end of. the church;. and ten pounds to be laid .out for
cloathing, and. fuch like neceffaties, among the poor (and
“ efpecially among , the ancient and infirm) of the laid parilh;
“ and the remaining ten pounds,., to be difbributed-in bread, at
f | twenty (hillings a week, at, the difcretion o f John White) e/q..
« or any of his family, who fhall be refidenf in the faie| parilh. .
On November 12, 17,58, Andrew.-Htty, B. D.-became vicar,
Among many ufeful repairs he new-roofed, the body . of. the vicar-;
age-houfe; and wamfcoced, up to. the bottom of phe windows,
the .whole of the chancel to the ncatncfs and- decency o f which-
he-always.paid the moft exadi attention. •’ ■
• On September 25, 1784, Chriftopher Hiylor, B. D. was mdusfted.
.into the vicarage of Selbor'ne| ... '
I shale now proceed to the Priory-,' which is undoubtedly the
moft interefting part of cmr'hiftory.
: The Priory of Selborne was founded by Peter de la Roche, or de
Rupibin■ *, one of thofe accomplilhed foreigners that reforted to
the court of king John-, where they were ufually careffed, and met
with a more' favourable reception than ought, in prudence, to have
been IhoWn-by any monarch to ftrangers. This adventurer was a
PoiBfvin by birth > had been bred to arms in his youth, and dif-
tinguilhed by knighthood. Hiftoriaiis all agree'not to fpeak very
favourably of this remarkable man ; fhhy allow that he was poffeff-
ed of courage and fine abilities^ but then' they charge him with
«rbitrary principles, and violent condudh By his1 infiriuatingj
manners-he foon rofe high in the favour of John ; and in'Ji265,
early in the reign of that prince, was aippointed biftiop of Win-
chejler. In 1214 he became lord chief-judiciary of England, the
firft magiftrate in the ftate, and a kind of viceroy, on whom depended
all the civil affairs in the kingdom; After the death of
Johrtj and during the minority of his fon Henry, this prelate took-
upon him the entire management of the realm;, and was foon-
appointed proteftor of the king^and kingdom;
* See Godwin de PrasfuUbus Anglia. Folio. London, 1743. p .2 1 7 .