
10. Titlark,
11 . Blackbird,
12. White-throat,
13. Goldfinch,
14. Greenfinch,
15. Lefs reed- 1
fparrow. J
Alauda pratorum:
Merula ‘vulgaris :
Ficedula -ajßnis :
Carduelis :
C kloris :
PaJJer arundinaceus
16. Common linnet, Linaria ‘vulgaris:
From middle o f A p ril to July the 16 th*
f Sometimes in February and March,
< and fo on to Ju ly the twenty-third j
L reaflumes in autumn.
In A p ril, and on to July 23,
A p ril, and through to September 16.
On to J u ly and A ugujl 2.
| May, on to beginning o f Ju ly .
{ Breeds and whittles on till A ugujl •
reaflumes it’s note when they b e-..
gin to congregate in QSlober, and
again early before the flocks
—? Birds that ceafe to be in full fong, and are 'ufually jilent at or
before Midfummer:
J 7 . Middle willow-] D ,
wren, j Kei ulus non crijlatus:
18. Redftart, R u ticilla :
19. Chaffinch, F rin gilla:
20. Nightingale, L u fcin ia :
Middle of June : begins in A p ril.
Ditto : begins in May.
| Beginning o f Ju n e: fings.firft in
!_ February.
Middle of J u n e: fings firft in A p ril.
Birds that ling for a Ihort time, and very early in the fpring :
21. Miflel-bird, Turdus ‘v ifcivo ru s:
22. Great titmoufe, 1
or ox-eye^ J Fringillago.:
f January the 2d, 1770, in February.
Is called in Hampjhire and SuJJex
the ftorm-cock, becaufe it’s fong
is fuppofed to forebode windy wet
weather: is the largeft finging
bird we have.
\ In February, M arch, A p r il: reaf-
1 fumes for afhort time in September.
Birds that have fbmewhat of a note or fong, and yet are hardly
to be called finging birds:
23. Golden-crown-
ed'wren> 1Regulus crißatus :
24. Marfli. titmoufe, P a r us pcclujiris :
25. Small willow- 1 D ,
wren, 1 KeS ulus non crtjlatus:
2 6 . Largeft ditto, D itto :
27. Grafshopper-
28. Martin,
29. Bullfinch,
3e. Bunting,
Alauda minima <voce
Hirundo agreßis :
Emberiza alba :
f It’s note as minute as it’s peribn ;
< frequents the tops o f high oaks
L and firs : the fmalleft B r itijh bird,
f Haunts great woods: two harfh fharp
[ notes.
Sings in M arch, and on to September.
f Cantat ‘voceJlrid ula locuJl<e\ from
1 end of A p r il to Augujl.
( Chirps all night, from the middle of
A p ril to the end of July. f All the breeding time; from May to
fe H “ ”,ber U _ , L> y y _
From the end o f January to Ju ly .
All finging birds, and thofe that have any pretenfions to fong,
not only in Britain, but perhaps the world through, come under the
Linnaan ordo of pajferes.
The above-mentioned birds, as they Hand numerically, belong
to the following Linnaan genera.
I , 7, 10, 27. A laud a: 8, 28. H i run do.
2, i i , 21. 1Turdus : 13, 16, 19 • F rin g illa .
3 » 4 » 5» 9 » I z > 15» '
17, 18, 20, 23, 25, 26. 1 M otacilla: 22, 24. Parus.
6, 30. Emberiza : 14* 29* L oxia.
R Birds