great antiquity. This robin is only fixfeeh feet by fixteeri feet
eight inches ; and full feventeen feet nine inches in height. The
ceiling is formed of vaft joifts, placed only five or fix inches apart.
Modern delicacy would not much approve of fuch a place of worship'
: for it has at prefent much mote the appeaiairce of a dungeon
than of a room fit for the reception of people of condition. For
the outfide I refer the reader' to the plate, ih which Mr. Grimm
has reprefented it with his ufoal accuracy. The field On which
this oratory abuts is Hill called Chapel-field. The fituation of
this Kbufe is very particular, for it fiands upon the immediate
verge of a ffeep abrtfp't hill.
Not rriahy yfears fi'nce this place Was dffcd for an hop-kiln, and
was dividfed info fwb ftdrics by a loft, part of which remains at
prefent, and makes it convenient for peat and turf, With which it
is flowed.