three days in the bufinefs, and are of opinion that the outline, in
all it’s curves and indentings, does not comprife lefs than thirty
The village Hands in a Iheltered fpot, fecured by the Hanger
from the ftrong wefterly winds. The air is foft, but rather moifl:
from the effluvia of fo many trees; y.et perfedly healthy and free
from agues.
The quantity of rain that falls on it is very confiderable, as may
be fuppofed in fo woody and mountainous a diftrid. As my
experience in meafuring the water is but of fhort date, I am not
qualified to give the mean quantity s. I only know that
From May i , 177g, to the end of- the
year there fell 28
37! .
From Jan. I , , 1780, to Jan. I, 1781 - : . 27 32 .
From Jan. r., 178.1, to Jan. I, 178,2 ' - - 30 7 1
From Jan. fc., 1782, to Jan. I , 1783, -v 5°, 26. 1 ;
From Jan. i,. 1783, to Jan. V 1 7 S 4 : (5f t a iA 33 .M ;
From Jan. i ,178 4 , to Jan. I , 1785 ; *. V 3 3 8 q
From Jan. i
3 ‘ ;55
From Jan. i , 1786, to Jan. I , 1787 - ■ * .1 39 : 57 :
The village of Selborne, and large hamlet of Oakhanger, with
the fingle farms, and many fcattered houfes along the verge of
e A very intelligent gentleman allures me (and he Ipealcs from upwards o f forty years
experience) that the mean rain o f any place cannot be afcertained till a perfon has mea-
fured it for a very long period. “ I f I had only meafured the rain, fays he, ‘ for thé
1 four firlt years, from 1740 to 1743, I (hould have faid the mean rain at Lyndon was
“ 16 i-h f. inch for the year} If from 1740 to 1750,' 18 i-hf. inches. T h e mean rain be-
“ fore 1763 was so i-q r . from 1763 and fince S5 i-h f, from-1770 to 1780, 26. ^ I f only
u 17 73 ,17 74 and 1775, had been .meafured, Lyndon mean rain would have been called
3a inches,”
O F S E L B O R N E . 13
the foreftj contain upwards of fix hundred and feventy inhabitants h.
h A STATE of the Parifli of SELBORNE, taken October 4, 1783.
T h e number of-tenements or families, 136.
T h e number o f inhabitants in the ftreetis 313 7 Total 6765 near five inhabitants to
In the reft o f the parifti - 363J each tenement.
In the time o f the Rev. Gilbert White, V icar, who died in 1727-8, the number o f inhabitants
was computed at about 500.
Average o f baptifms for 60 years.
From 1720 to-j
1729, both
years incluf.
From 1730 to ■]
1739, both
years incluf.
Males 6,9
1 Females 6, o 12,9
From 1740 •
1749 inch
M .9 ,2 ’
F . 6, 6 15,8
From 1760 -j
to. £
1769, incl. J
Males 8,2
i Females 7 ,1 iS) 3
From 1750 •
-1759t0 i. ncVl.
M . 7, 6 ]
F . 8 , 1 15.7
From 1770
1779, incl. J
Total o f baptifins o f Males 515 | > 980'.
Females 465 1
Tota l o f baptifins from 1720 to 1779, both inclufive - - - 60.years
Ayerage o f burials for 60 years.
- - 980.
From 1720 to Males 4,8
From 1740 -i M. 4; 6 From 1760 M. S, 9 I
1729, both
years incluf.
1749, mcl. J TV 3, 8 • -8,4 to
’ Females 5 ,1 9,9 to
1769, incl. (F. é’s j13’*
From 1730 to ■
1739, both
years incluf. •
Males 4,8
Females 5, 8^
10, 6
From 1750 -j
to. 1759$ incl. J
M .4 ,9 iF. j, i- 10,0
From 1770
1779, incl.
1 M. 5, 5 1 If. I;:]11’7
To ta l o f burials o f Males 31S 1 64O Females 3*5. j
Tota l o f burials from 1720 to 1779, both inclufive - - - 60 years - - - 640.
Baptifins exceed burials by more than one third.
Baptifins o f Males exceed Females by one tenth, or one in ten.-
Burials o f Females exceed Males by one in thirty.
I t appears that a- child, born and bred in this parifli, has an equal chance to live above
forty years.
Twins thirteen times, many o f whom dying young have leflened the .-chance for life.
Chances for life in men arid women appear , to be equal.
A T A B L E o f the Baptifms, Burials, and Marriages, from January. 2, 1761, to December
25, 1780, in the Parifli of SELBORNE,
M. F. Tot. M. F. T o t. M . F. T o t. M . F. Tot.
1761. 8 30 18 z 4 6 3 1771« 10 6 .16 . 3 4 ; 7 4
176^. 7 8 15 30 14 *4: 6 1772. ii 10 21 6 . 10 16 3
1763. 8 10 18 3 4 7- 5 1773- 8 5 13 7 5 12 3
3764.. i i 9 20 1 ÎO 8 l8 6 I774r 6 13 19 z 8 10 X
1765. 12 6 x8 9 7 i6‘ 6- *775* 20 7 27 13 8 21 6
1766. 9 .13 22 IQ- 6 16 4.-- 1776.. ii 10 21 4 6 i ° 6
1767. 14 5 *9 6 5 11 2 1777. 8 13 21 7 3 10 4
3768. 7 6 13 , 2 5 7 6 1778. 7 13 20 3 4 7 5
1769. 9 14 ^3 6 5 ii 2 1779. 14 8 22 ' 5 6 11 5
I77O. 10 # «3 4 7 ii 3 1780. 8 9 17 11 4 15 3
95 94 189 62 &s 127 43 103 94 197 61 5« 119 40
95 94 189 62 65 127 43
198 188 386 123 123 246 83
During this period o f twenty years the births o f males exceeded thofe o f females — 10..
The burials of each fex were equal.
A n d the births exceeded the deaths - - •- 140.