
fondly imagined that the facrednefs of the inftitution, and the
pious motives on which it was eftablifhed, might have preferved
it inviolate to the end of time— yet it fell,
•* To teach us that God attributes to pla&e
“ No fanftity, i f none be thither brought
** By men, who there frequent, or therein dwell.**
Milton*s Parttdtfe Lojf,
L E T T E l X X V .
W a I N F L b e t did not long enjoy the fatisfa&ion arifing from
this new acquifition; but departed this life in a few months after
he had effected the union of the Priory with his late founded college
; and was fuceeeded in the fee of Winchejier by Peter Courtney,
fome time towards the end of the year i486.
In the beginning of the following year the new bifhop releafed
the prefident and fellows of Magdalen'College from all actions re-
fpedting the Priory of Selborne-, and the prior and convent of Saint
Swithun, as the chapter of IVincheJler cathedral, confirmed the
N. 293*- “ Relaxatio Petri epi H'intdn Ricardo Mayew, Prefi-
“ denti omnium aftionum: occafione indempnitatis Cbi debite pro
“ unione Prioratus de Selborne dido collegio. Jan. 2. 1487. et
“ tranflat. anno i°.”
N. 374. “ Relaxatio prioris et conventus. S,Ji Swithini Winton
“ confirmans relaxationem Petri ep. Winton.” 1487. Jan. 13.
a The bifhopsTif Winchefter were patrons o f the Priory.
Asjkforde, the depofed prior, who had appeared as an evidence
for the impropriation of the Priory at the age of feventy-two years,
that he might riot be deftitute of a maintenance, was penfioned by
the college to the day óf his death ; and was living on till 1490, as
appears by his acquittances.
R e g . A. ff. 46.
« Omnibus Chrifti fidelibus ad qiiös prefens fcriptum per-
iC venerit, Hichctrdus prefidens, &c. et fcolares, falutem in
<fl D o m i n o . • x a
“ Noveritis nos prefatos prefidentem et fcolares dediffe, concef-
“ fiffe, et hoc prefenti fcripto confirmatie Thome AsJhforde,capellano,
“ quendam annualem redditum fex librarum trefdecim foli-
« dorum et quatuor denariorurii bone et legalis monete
‘ Anglie— ad terminum vite prefati Tbonie”- - to be paid from tlie
poffefiions of. the college in BaJtngftoke.~-“ In cujus rei teftimo-
« .nium figillum noffirum commune preferitibus apponimus.
“ Dat. Oxon. in coll, noftro. fupra difto primo dié menfis Junii
“ annoregis Ricardi tertii fecundo.” viz. 1484. The college, in
their grant to Asjhforde, ftyle him only capellanus-, but the annuitant
very naturally, and with a becoming dignity, afferts his late title
in his acquittances, and identifies himfelf by the addition of
nuperpriorem, or late prior. . , . , >. ,
As, according to the perfuafion of the times; the depriving the
founder and benefa&ors of the Priory of their maffes and fervices
would have been deemed the moll impious of frauds, bifhop
M e e t , having by ftatute ordained' four obits for himfelf to be
celebrated in the chapel of Magdalen College, enjoined in one of
them a fpecial colled, for the anniverfary of Peter de Rupibus, with
a particular prayer— “ Deus Indulgentiaritm.
G g g a