
“ formam in eifdem traditam procedere dignaremur, &c.” After
thefe proclamations no contradictor or abjeftor appearing— “ ad
“ inftantem.petitiopem ipfius mag. Jac. Prejion, procuratoris, &c.
“ propedendum fore decrevimus vocatis jure, yocandis; nec non
c< mag. iTho* Samercotes, See. in aftorum noftrorum fcribam.nomi-
“ nayimus, Confcqucntcr et ibidem tunc comparuit magiftcr
“ Michael Clyff, &c, et exhibuit in ea parte procuratorium fuum,
for the prior and convent of the cathedral of Wiajon “ et fecit
“ fe partem pro eifdem.— Deinde comperu.it coram nobis, &c.
ct honeftus vir Willmus Cozvper,” proftor for the bifliop as patron
of the Priory of Selbo.rne, and exhibited his “ procuratorium, &c.
After thefe were read in the prefence of Clyff and Cowper, “ Pref-
“ ton, viva vo.ee,” petitioned the cpmmifiary to annex and appropriate
the Priory of Selborne to the college— “ propter quod
“ fruftus, redditus, et proventus ejufdem coll, adeo tenues funt,
“ "et exiles, quod ad fuftentationem ejus, &c. non fufficiunt.”— The
commiffary, “ ad libellandum et articulandum in feriptis” — adjourned
the court to the 5th of Augufi, then to be held again in
the parilh church of Esjher.
W. Cmper being then abfent, Radulphus Langley appeared, for
the bilhop, and was admitted his proftor. Prejion produced his
libel or article in feriptis for the union, &o. “ et admitti petiit
“ eundem cum effeftu ; cujus libelli tenor fequitur.— In Dei
“ nomiije, Amen. Coram nobis venerabili in Chrifto patre
«. Richard?,, priore, &c. de. Novo Loco, &c. commiffario, &c.”
Part of the college of Magd. dicit. allegat, and in his “ feriptis
“ proponit, &c.”
“ Imprimis
“ Imprimis^—that faid college conlifts of a preftdent and eighty
“ fcholars, betides fixteen c'hofifters, thirteen- fervientes inibi al-
“ tiffimo famulantibtrs, et in foieiitiis plerifquC lib’eralibus;- pre-
“ fertirn in facra theölogia ftudentibUs, nedum ad ipforum prefi-
“ deritis et fcholarium pro profenti et impofterum, annuente dèó,
“ incofporaüdorum in eodem relevamen; verum efiam ad Omnium
“ et frngulorum tarn fcholarium quam religioforum cujufcunque
“ ordinis undequa'que illuc confluere pro falubri doftrina volen-
“ ti-um utilitatem rhultiplicem ad inerementa virtutis fideiqué
“ catholiee ftabilimeötum. Ita videlicet quod omnes et finguli
“ abfque perfonarum feu nationdm deleftu illuc accedere volentes,
“ lefturas publicas et doftrinas tarn in grammatica in loco ad
.«* collegium contiguo, ac philofophiis moral! et naturali, quam
“ in facra theologia in éodèm cbllègió pèrpetuis témporibus con-
“ tinuandas libere atquê gratis audire valeant et poffint, ad
“ laudem gloriam et honorèm Deij &c. extitit funtf'atüm et
“ ftabilitum.”
For the firft item in this procefs fee the beginning of this létter.
Then follows item the fecond— “ that the revenues of the college non
“ fufficiunt his diebus.” “ Item — that the premifles are true, &c.
“ et fuper eifdem laborarunt, et laborant publica vox et fama.
“ Unde fafta fide petit pars eorundem that the Priory be annexed
“ to the college : ita quod difto prioratu vacante liceat iis ex.
“ tunc to take poffeffion, &c.” This libel, with the exprefs
confent of the other proftors, we, the commiffary, admitted,, and
appointed the fixth of Angujl for proftor Prejion to prove the
Prejion produced witneffes, W. Gy ford, S. T. P. John Nele, A. M.
John Chapman, chaplain, and Robert Baron, literatus, who were admitted
and fworn, when the court was prorogued tó thé 6th of