414 A N T I QJ J I T I E S
Butt-wood clofe •, here the fervants of the Priory and the village-
fwains exercifed themfelves with their long bows, and fhot at a
mark againft a butt, or bankd.— Cundyth [conduit] wood: the
engroffer of the leafe not underftanding this name has made a
ftrange barbarous word of. it. Conduit-wood, was and is a fteepj
rough cow-pafture, lying above the Priory, at about a quarter of
a mile to the fouth-weft. In the fide of this field thereisa Ipringof
water that never fails ; at the head of which a ciftern was built
which communicated with leaden pipes that conveyed water to the
monaftery. When this refervoir was firft conftrucied does not appear,
we only know that it underwent a repair in the epifcopate of
bifhop Wainfieet, about the year 1462'. Whether thefe pipes only
conveyed the water to the Priory for common and culinary pur-
pofes, or contributed to any matters of ornament and elegance, we
fhall not pretend to fay ; nor when artifts and mechanics firft un-
derftood any thing of hydraulics, and that water confined in tubes
would rife to it’s original level. There is a perfon now living
who had been employed formerly in digging for thefe pipes, and
once difcovered feveral yards, which they fold for old lead.
There was alfo a plot of ground called Tan-houfe garden : and
“ Tamaria fuafi a tan-yard of their mvn, has been mentioned in
Letter XVI. This circumftance I juft take notice of, as an inftance-
that monafteries had trades and occupations carried on within themfelves
A There is alfo a Eutt-dofe]uft at the back o f the village.
* N. 381. Claufure terre • abbatie eCclefie parochiali de Seleburne* ix s . iiil d.
lt Reparacionibus. doraorura preditti prioratus - iiii lib. x i s. Aque condud. ibidem.
•it xxiii d. ”
* There is ftill a wood neai’ the P riory called fanner's wood*
O F S Ë L B O R N E. 4 i 5
Regiftr. B.. pag. 112’. Here we find a leafe of‘ the parfonage
of Selborne to 'Thomas Sylvefier and Miles Arnold, hufbandmen— of the
tythes of all manner of corne pertaining to the parfonage— with
the offerings at the chapel of' IVhaddon belonging to the faid parfonage.
Dat. June 1. 27th. Hen. 8th. [viz. 1536.]
As the chapel of IVhaddon has never been mentioned till now, and
as.it is not noticed by bilhop Tanner in his Ndtitia Mdnaftica, fome
more particular account of it will be proper in this place. Whad-
don was a-chapel of eafe to the mother church of Selhorne, and was
fituated1 in the tithing of Oakhanger, at about two miles diftance
from the village. The farm and field whereon it flood are ftill
cailed chapel. farm and fields: but there~are no remains or traces of
the building itfelf, the very foundations having been deftroyed
before thé memory of man. In a farm yard at Oakhanger we remember
a large hollow ftöne of a clofe fubftance, which had been
ufed as a hog-trough, but was then'broken. This ftone, tradition
faid,, had been > the 'baptifmal font of IVhaddon chapel. The chapel
hadbeen in a very ruinous ftate in old days'; bnt Was new-built af
the inftance of bilhop Wainfieet, about the year 1463,. during ; the
firft priorihip of Berne, in. confequenee of a fequeftration ; iffued
forth by-that vifitor againft; the. Priory on-, account of notorious
and fliamefuk dilapidations !>..
sT h is .fs a manor*.fhrm, at.prelent fhe property o f Lofd'Stavyetty and belonged
probably in ancient times to Jo. de Venur, or Venuz, one o f the 'firft benefactors to the:
h See Letter XIX. o f thele Antiquities.— “ Summa total, lolut. de novis edifiea-
“ tionibus, et reparacionibus per ideta tempus^ u t patet per cOrn^tft.” '
. Videlicet denova edificat;,' CapelleMarie teWadden. ximlib. vs. viii % -- -Repara-
“ ciortibus ecclelie Prioratus, cancellor, et capellar.'eccLefiarumet capdlarum cie
tc borne, et EJl-worhlmi’— &c. &c.