
In July I faw feveral cuckoos fkimming oyer a large pöfld ; and
found, after fome obfervation, that they were feeding on the
libellule, or drägonßies ; fome of which they Cäiight as they fettled
on the weeds, and fome as they were on the wing. Notwithftand-
ing what Linnaus fays, I cannot be induced to believe that they are
birds of prey. *
This diftridt affords fome birds that are hardly ever heard of at
Selborne. In the firft place confiderable flocks- Of 'croß-beah (hxia
curviroßra) have appeared this fomfner in the pine-groves belonging
to this houfe; the water-oufel is faid to haunt the mouth of the
Lezves river, near Newhaven ; and the Cormfte chb'ugh builds, I
know, all along the chalky cliffs of the Suffix Afore.
I was greatly pleafed to fee little parties of ring^oufeh (my newly
difcovered migraters.) fcattered, at intervals, all along the Suffix
downs from Chichefter to Uwes. Let them come from whence they
will, it looks very fufpicious that they are cantoned along the coaft
in order to pafs the channel when fevere weather advances. They
vilit us again in April, as it fhould feefö, in their return; and are not
to be found in the dead of winter, It is remarkable that they are very
tame, and feem to have no manner of apprehenfions of danger from
a perfon with a gun. There are bollards on the wide downs near
Brighthelmftone. No doubt you are acquainted with the Suftex downs:
the profpedts and rides round Lewes are moft lovely!
As I rode along near the coaff I kept a very Iharp look out in
the lanes and woods, hoping I might, at this time of the year,
have difcovered fome of the 'furnmer Ihort-winged birds of paffage
crowding towards the coaft in order for their departure : but it
was very extraordinary that I never faw a redftart, white-throat,
black-cap, uncrefted wren, fly-catcher, &c. And I remember to
have made the fame remar-k in former years, as I ufually come to
this place annually about this time. The birds moft common, along
the coaft at prefent are the ftone-chatters, whinchats, buntings,
linnets, fome few wheat-ears, titlarks, &c. Swallows and houfe-
martins abound yet, induced to prolong their flay by this foft, ftill,
dry feafon.
A land tortoife, which has been kept for thirty years in a little
walled court belonging to the houfe where I now am viliting,
retires under ground about the middle of November, and comes forth
again about the middle of April.* When it firft appears in the
fpring it difcovers very little inclination towards food; but in the
height of furnmer grows voracious : and then as the fummer declines
it’s appetite declines ; fo that for the laft fix weeks in autumn
it hardly eats at all. Milky plants, fuch as lettuces, dandelions,
fowthiftles, are it’s favourite difh. In a neighbouring village one
was kept till by tradition it was fuppofed to be an hundred years
©Id. An inftance of vaft longevity in fuch a poor reptile 1
D E A R S IR ,. Sel eorn :-:, Dec. 20, ,770,
T he birds that I took for aberdevines were reed-fparrows (pufferes
There are doubtlefs many home internal migrations within this
kingdom that want to be better understood : witnefs thofe vaft
flocks of hen chaffinches that appear with us in the winter without
hardly any cocks among them. Now was there a due proportions
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