
Augujl; and the witneffes, on the fame 5th of Augujl, were examined
by the commiffary, “ in capella infra manerium de Esjher fituata,
“ fecrete et fingillatim.” Then follow the “ liters procuratorias
iirft that of the college, appointing Prejlon and Langport their
pro&ors, dated Augujl 30th, 1484; then that of the prior and
convent of the cathedral of Wintbn, appointing David Hujband
and Michael Ckve, dated September 4th, 1484 : then that of the
bilhop, appointing W. Gyfford, Radulphus Langley, and Will, Corwper,
dated September 3d, 1484. Confec. 38°.— “ Quo die adveniente
“ in didta ecclefia parochiali,” appeared “ coram nobis” James
Prejlon to prove the contents of his libel, and exhibited fome
letters teftimonial with the feal of the bifhop, and thefe were admitted
; and confequenter Prejlon produced two witneffes, viz.
Dominum ‘Thomam Ajhforde nuper priorem diBi prioratus, et Wlllm.
Rabbys literatum, who were admitted and fworn, and examined
as the others, by the commiffary; “ tunc & ibidem affiftente
fcriba fecrete & f ingi l lat imand their depofitions were read and
made public, as follows :
Mr. W. Gyfford, S. T . P. aged 57, of the ftate of Magd.
Coll. &c. &c. as before :
Mr. John Nele, aged 57, proves the articles alfo :
Robert Baron, aged 56 :
Johannes Chapman, aged 35, alfo affirmed all the five articles.-
Dompnus Lhomas Ajhforde, aged 72 years— “ dicit 2dum. 3“m. 4“*.'
“ articulos in eodem libello contentos, concernentes ftatum dicli
“ prioratus de Sekbourne, fuiffe et effe veros.”
. W. Rabbys, aetat 40 ann. agrees with Gyfford, See.
Then follows the letter from the bifhop, “ in fubfidium pro-
“ bationis,” abovementioned — “ Willmus, See. falutem, &c.
“ noverint univerfitas veflra, quod licet nos prioratui de Sele-
“ bourne, See. pie compacientes follicitudines paftorales, labores,
" diligentias
“ ’diligentias quam plurimas per nos & commiffarios noftros pro
“ reformatione flatus ejus impenderimus, jufticia id pofeente;
“ nihilominus tamen,” §tc. as in the article — to “ defperatur,”
dated “ in manerio noftro de Esjher, Aug. 3d, 1485» &■ confec. 39.”
Then, on the 6th of Augujl, Prejlon, in the prefence of the other
prodlors, required, that they fhould be compelled to anfwer;
when they all allowed the articles “ fuiffe & effe vera;” and the
commiffary, at the requeft of Prejlon, concluded the bufinefs, and
appointed Monday, Augujl 8th, for giving his decree in the fame
church of Esjher ; and it was that day read, and contains a recapitulation,
with the fentence of union, &c. witneffed and attefted.
As foon as the prefident and fellows of Magdalen college had obtained
the deeifion of the commiffary in their favour, they proceeded
to fupplicate the pope, and to entreat his holinefs that he
would give his fandlion to the fentence of union. Some difficulties
were ftarted at Rome; but they were furmounted by the
college agent, as appears by his letters from that city.’ At length
pope Innocent VIII. by a bull11 bearing date the 8 th day of June, in the
year of our Lord i486, and in the fecond year of his pontificate,
confirmed what had been done, and fuppreffed the convent.
Thus fell the confiderable and well-endowed Priory of Selborne
after it had fubfifted about two hundred and fifty-four years: about
feventy-four years after the fuppreffion of Priories alien by
Henry V. and about fifty years before tho general diffolution of
monafteries by • Henry VIII. The founder, it is probable, had
a There is nothing remarkable in this bull o f pope Innocent except the ftatement o f the
annual revenue o f the Priory" o f Selborne, which is therein eftimated at 160 flor. auri j
whereas bifhop Godwin fets it at 337/» 15^* 6 ±d. Now a floren, fo named, fays
Camden, becaufe made by Florentines, was a gold coin o f k ing Edward HI* in value 6s,
whereof 160 is not one feventh part o f 337/. 15s, 6 \d ,
G s s fondly