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I N T R O D U C T O R Y R E M A R K S .
I n the following memoranda I have given such observations as I have
been enabled to make on the animals of the various genera, brought home
either by Captain B e e c h e y ’s expedition, or by severai other voyagers, as
Captain Lord Byron, Mr. Fryer, and the Rev. Mr. Hennah, who about the
same time touched at severai parts of the worid which were aiso visited by this
expedition. I have been induced to foiiow this course, rather than to give
oniy a description of the new species di,scovered by the officers of the expedition,
(as it was my intention to have done when first the specimens were put
into my hands), because Mr. S o w e r b y and Mr. B r o d e r i p , aimost imme-
diateiy on the return of the expedition, described many of the new and
interesting species discovered during the voyage, specimens of most of whicii
were given to the Zooiogicai Society by Lieutenant (now Captain) B e l c h e r ,
one of the officers of Captain B e e c h e y ’s ship. In my MSS. I had given
names to most of the species, but I have since substituted those used by the
above-mentioned gentiemen, that science might not be burthened by the
many useless names which an opposite course wouid have produced.
Many of the descriptions of the animais are from specimens brought home
by the expedition, and subsequently presented to the Naval Hospital at Haslar
by Mr. M i l l e r , a most able anatomist, and very accurate observer ; others
are taken from specimens in the collection of the British Museum; and very
many from the collection of Mollusca in the Garden of Plants at Paris,
where, through the great kindness of M. de Blainville, I was allowed to work
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