Ml '
V e n u s G n i d i a , t. 4 1 ./. 3. Broderip and Sowerhy in Zool. Journ. iv . p . 364.
In h ab its the Pacific Ocean. Dredged a t St. Bias.
V e n u s t r ic o l o r , t. 4 1 ; / . 7 . Sowerhy, Zool. Proc. 1 8 3 5 . p . 4 1 .
Inhabits sandy mud a t P u e rto P ortre ro on the coast o f Central America.
V e n u s n e g l e c t a , ¿ . 4 1 . / . 8 .
Shell lenticular, nearly circular, strongly radiately striated, with elevated concentric rid g e s ; anterior
side shorter than the posterior, which is rather sloped ; dorsal margins, with an elevated ridge a t which the
concentric ridges begin, within which there is a rather b road, sloping, nearly smooth area : concentric ridges
crenulated beneath : anterior and basal mai^ins w ithin finely denticulated, the denticulations b ecoming smaller
from back to front; inside white varied with p urple , more p a rticula rly a t tbe posterior ex trem ity ; outside
brownish white with angular dark brown marks and spots.
In habits sandy mud on the coast o f C entral America. I have long been acquainted with this species, its
near general resemblance to V. cancellata, L am . has probably caused it to be overlooked.
V e n u s d e c o r a t a , t. 4 1 . / . 9 . Broderip and Sowerhy in Zool. Journ. v . p . 4 9 .
tah. sup. 40. jig . 3 .
The representation here given is taken from the only specimen known a t the time, which was brought
home by the Blossom. I have since seen several others, which are more highly coloured, being of a brownish
rose colour with darker speckling : its locality is, however, still unknown to me.
C y t h e r e a r o s e a , f. 4 3 ./. 7 . Broderip and Sowerhy, Zool. Journ. hi. p . 264.
Found abundantly a t S t. Bias.
C y t h k e e a PLA N U LA TA , t. 4 8 ./ . 6 . Broderip and Sowerby, Zool. Journ. v. p . 48.
F ound abundantly near Mazatlan.
C y t h e e e a b i e a d ia t a , t. 4 3 . / . 5 .
Shell ovate-heattshaped, turgid, smooth, polished, fuscous, generally with two, more or less distinct,
darker coloured diverging rays ; umbones p aler, m ore or less spotted and speckled with dark brown ; anterior
end short, rou n d ed ; posterior more elongated, and more p o in te d ; posterior dorsal margin sloping- inside
purplish livid. »
F ound abundantly a t St. Bias and Mazatlan.
Thisypecies nearly resembles Ot i h e m * maculata, Lam . a shell which abounds on the Atlantic shores of
South America.
PULLASTEA NEBULOSA, t. 4 3 . / . 8.
Venus nebulosa. Lam. Hist. nat. des anim. sans vert. V. p . &)2.— Chemn.
Conch. Kah. V I. t. 3 4 ./. 359—361.
Lamarck states tha t this is found a t Tranquebar. I t is very closely related to V. opima, Lnm. and is
perhaps merely a variety o f that species.
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