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Shell ovate, solid, dark brown, closely spira lly straited, slightly longitudinally plaited, covered with a
thin hairy p e rio s tra cum ; spire sliort co n ic a l; last whorl sub-angular, and nodulose behind. Mouth ovate,
large, black ; throat purple, g rooved; outer lip crenulated ; inne r lip rather expanded, and strongly veined.
Axis 1 | inch.
Inhab. Pacific Ocean.
Shell ovate, fusiform, solid, green, varied with short black cross lines, finely and closely spirally
ribbed, covered with a thin olive periostracum ; spire about two-thirds the length of the mouth, acute.
Mouth ovate, w h ite ; throat grooved b e h in d ; outer lip crenulated, especially in f ro n t; inner lip rather
spre ad, veined, with a strong rib behind- Axis inch.
P O L L IA H ^M A S T O M A .
Shell ovate, fusiform, rather thin, dark brown, pale v a ried ; finely, closely, spirally striated, slightly
longitudinally plaited, with a few d istinc t ra the r tubercular spiral rid g e s ; spire about two-thirds the length
of the mouth. Mouth blood-red ; th ro a t white, smooth ; outer lip crenulated, especially in f ro n t; inner lip
veined, with while tubercles, and a distinct posterior pla it. Axis l i inch.
Var. mouth white.
These three species differ from the others in the inner lip being veined the whole of its ex ten t; there is a
d istinc t canal a t the h inde r end o f the mouth, caused by a spiral ridge on the inner lip and the contraction of
the hinder p a rt o f the oute r one.
Besides the species here described, the following species should be referred to this g en u s :—
Pollia melanosloma. Bucc.'nielanostoma. Sow. Gen. f . 5.— Wood. Sup. t. 4 .f . 3.
Pollia Tranquebarica. Bucc. Trauquebaricum. Sow. Gen. f . 6.—Ma rtin i iv.
/ . 1 1 4 - 6 , 47.
Pollia undosa. Triton imdosum. Lam. 189. Bucc. undosum. List. t. 938.
f . 33. Bucc. affine. Wood. C a t.f. 97, 98.
Pollia pulchella. Murex pulchellus. Lam. 176.
Pollia Camaelii. Bucc. Camaelii. P ay rad. Cors. t. 8. f . 7—9.
Pollia cingulata. Murex cingulatus. Lam. 175.
Pollia plumata. Fusus articulatus. Xaw. 132. P urpura fasciolaris. Lam. 249.
{Jide Cab.) Bucc. plumatum. Gmel.— Wood. Cat. f . 88.
Pollia ignea. Bucc. igneum. Gmel.— Wood. C a í ./. 87.
Pollia maculosa. Bucc. maculosum. Lam. Enc. t. 4 0 0 ./. 7.—List. t. 96. 4 . / . 49.
Poli. t. 4, 4 6 ,/. 44. The animal, with the eyes at the base of tbe tentacles.
Pollia Mauritii. Bucc. Sancti Mauritii. Chem.— Wood. Cat. t. 24. f . 125.
Pollia distorta. Bucc. dislortum. Gray.— Wood. Cat. Sup. t. 4. f . 7. CoXumheWa
triumphalis. Duelos M S S .
And about six or eight undescribed species in the author’s cabinet.
EN G IN A . n. y.
Shell spiral, mouth ovate, linear, variced, concave, with a broad oblique pla it in f ro n t; inner lip expanded,
veined ; outer lid thick internally, and toothed, with a groove behind.
T his genus is most like the former, b ut it resembles some Ricinules and P u rp u ra in fo rm ; it differs in
the inne r lip being rather extended and veined. W hen young the lips are simple, th e throat smooth, and the
pillar lip concave, with a d istinc t oblique plaiting in front, margining the canal.
E n g i n a z o n a t a .
Shell ovate, fusiform, ventricose, solid, dark brown, with a central white band, longitudinally plaited,
finely spirally striated ; spire conical, acute, n o d u lo se ; last whorl angular, with four or five nodulose spiral
ridges; throat w h ite ; outer lip three or four toothed. Axis 1^ inch.
Inhab. Atlantic Ocean.
E n g i n a e l e g a n s .
Shell ovate, fusiform, solid, dark brown, with a grooved central and two narrow anterior spiral bands of
white beads, slightly longitudinally plaited, and closely spirally s tria te d ; spire acute, nodulose; la s t whorl
angular behind, with five or six rather beaded spiral ribs in fro n t; throat pale brown. Axis 3 i inches.
Inhab. Atlantic Ocean.
T U R B IN E L L A .
T h e tentacles short, small, compressed, with eyes about one third from the tip.
T he operculum rather produced b ehind, thick, w ith a thick roundish rib on the outer edge of the inside.
The feet, tentacles, and trunk of T. c raiiculata and T . a ngulata are bright red ; the grooves on the throats
o f these extend u p the cavity o f the shell, so tha t the grooves on the throat are n ot the marks o f age as in
many shells.
T u r b i n e l l a S t o k e s i i .
Shell ovate, fusiform, v entricose, solid, brown, slightly spirally striated ; spire acute, conical, nearly as
long as the m o u th ; whorls, uppe r, with a row, and last with two rows o f conical tubercles, and with two close
sub-tubercular cross bands in front, the two front rows placed together. Mouth ovate ; throat w hite, slightly
s tria ted ; inner lip concave, with three small folds in front. Axis l i inch,
Inhab. P ort Praya.
Named in honour o f the late Captain Stokes, the commander o f one o f the ships employed in the survey
of the Magellan S traits, well known for his great attachment to science.
T u r b i n e l l a r i g i d a . Gray in Wood’s Cat.
Murex rigidus. Wood, Cat. Sup. t. 5 . / , 3.
Shell fusiform, elongate, solid, purplish (very white when bleached), covered with a thin smooth olive
periostracum, finely spirally s tria te d ; spire acute, a tten u a ted ; whorls rounded, with large oblong rounded
distant tubercles, the front o f the last spirally ribbed. Mouth ovate, p u rp le or r e d ; throat slightly grooved ;
pillar, with three small plaits in f ro n t; canal slightly perforated. Axis 2 i inches.
Inhab. Pacific Ocean.
Somewhat allied to T urbine lla Ta ren tin a {Fasciolana Ta ren tin a , Lam.), b u t differing in colour.
T u r b i n e l l a c r o c e a .
Shell ovate, turreted, thick, spira lly striated, and coarsely longitudinally plaited, white, brown a t each
e n d ; spire tapering, larger than the mo u th ; apex ovate, brow n ; whorls rounded, u p p e r with a sutural band
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