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T h e following Crustacea were collected during the voyage of the Blossom
by Captain B e l c h e r and G. T r a d e s c a n t L a y , Esq. They are valuable rather
for the rarity and beauty than for the number of the species, which, indeed, is
too limited to allow of any general remarks: a descriptive catalogue only is,
therefore, given.
The specimens have been presented to and are deposited in the Museums
of the Royal College of Surgeons and the Zoological Society.
C l a s s CRUSTACEA.
S u b c l a s s MALAGOSTRACA, L a tr.
L e g i o n PO D O PH TH A LM A , Leach.
O r d e r DECAPODA, L a t r .
S u b o r d e r BRACHYURA, Leach, Latr.
S e c t i o n ARCIJATA, Latr.
G enus X A N T H O , Leach.
1 . X a n t h o e u d o r a .
XanfAo carpis inierne unideniatis, m a n ilm longitudinaliter sulcatis, clypeo* utrinque obtuse quadridentato.
Cancer Eudora. Herbst, Krabhen und Krebsen, 3. heft 2. p. 10. taf. 51. Jig. 3.
The carapace of this species is smooth and shining, but is marked with sinuosities and protuberances,
of wiiich the principal are iu the later^, regions, disposed two on each side; the cardiac
region has four smaller protuberances. The i-MIrujn is grooved along the middle, and the frontal
margin is arcuated. The inferior and inner border of tbe orbit is produced in the form of a bluntlootli,
* The crustaceous covering of th e Dccapoda, ta k en in connection with its articulated p a rts for locomotion and
preh en sio n , differs so much from th e shells of th e testaceous Mollusca iu its mode of a ttachm en t, its uses, its density an d
chemical composition, th a t the te rm Clypeus (D e r Schild of U erb st) is adopted to denote th e carapace of the Bra ch y u ra, in
preference to th a t of Te sta , which is used by Latre ille . T h e te rm Thora x is employed.in th is memoir to signify the crust
which protects th e h e a rt, stomach, a n d branchiæ of th e Macroura.
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